What happens if you get strep throat?

Can we take anything for a sore throat? ie: Antibiotics or PCN like ampicillin, erythricin etc? Echinecea(sp)? I know there is much controversy about the whole should you take nyquil, sudafed, robitussin type products, but this plain stinks. I cant breathe!!!!!!!!! =( and my throat hurts too.    — Rachel *. (posted on January 23, 2002)

January 22, 2002
Please take this with a grain of salt but sweety, if you have Strep throat, GET TO A DOCTOR! Not helping strep can cause enormous problems and asking about it on here is NOT helping sweetie. Of course, there are meds you can take. Just call and ask your doctor before going to your internist or GP for this. Ask the original surgeon what you can and can't take. Personally, I have not been told not to take "any" prescription drugs and as for over the counter, well each doctor most likely has his likes and dislikes. PLEASE call the doctor right now about the strep. I get it every year and have, a few times, ended up in the hospital from it.
   — Barbara H.

January 22, 2002
At about 3 1/2 months post I developed pneumonia. I had a prescription cough syrup and antibiotics and I was fine. Neither one of them caused any upset and both were absorbed sufficiently to do the job. If you have strep see your doctor and get treated!
   — blank first name B.

January 22, 2002
I am the original poster, and I should clarify that I have a cold right now... NOT strep (God forbid!). I was just curious about taking any type of medications if I should develop an ailment that needs the infusion of drugs. Thanks for the advice though. =D
   — [Anonymous]

January 23, 2002
I had bronchitis 4 weeks post-op and I had no trouble taking anti-biotics. I took Z-Pak - Zythromycin and it knocked out the infection very quickly. So, you don't have to do without medication - in fact, you should not let an infection go untreated. That can be dangerous. Patty Butler
   — Patty_Butler

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