Where can I buy a stationary bike at a good price?

I saw a question earlier about treadmills, I have one but am in the shopping mode for a stationary bike. Can someone recommend a good inexpensive one? I know nothing about exercise equipment.    — Gina L. (posted on January 21, 2002)

January 21, 2002
Check secondhand or thrift shops and garage sales. I found 4 in less than a month, two free hat neighbors threw out. All were in perfect shape. Finally bought a air dyne type for $12 at a garage sale.
   — bob-haller

January 21, 2002
If your buying an exercise bike, i would reccomend one that the handlebars move as you peddle, it will work off the arm flab that people get when they loose weight.
   — Tricia C.

January 21, 2002
I bought a good one at K Mart for about $79.
   — [Anonymous]

January 22, 2002
Hi there, I got a recumbant bike (you know, where the pedles are out in front and you have a real seat) off of and it's very nice. I didn't want to get a stationary bike because I have such a large rear that I might not be able to unclamp the seat on a stationary bike, lol. Okay, it's not that big, but those little seats hurt so I can only ride the stationary bike for a short while and then I have to get off. Just a thought!
   — [Anonymous]

January 22, 2002
Academy has a great one with a wider seat, for people with wider seats!!!! I have one and love it!!! I couldn't ride one with the small seats because of the comfort issue, but I can sit on the wide seat bike and peddle away while watching tv.
   — [Anonymous]

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