I am 4 days post op last night my first night home I was sleeping propped up by

pillows and I woke up an hour later feeling like liquids had back logged into my throat I had to get up and walk around and took a tums. How do I prevent this in the future? I'm still pretty weak and sore they found a hernia and repaired it at the same time plus my spleen tore a little.    — Candace F. (posted on January 21, 2002)

January 21, 2002
Sleeping propped up is a good thing to do. I slept in a recliner for the first two weeks after my surgery & really slept well, could even turn on my side a little after a few days. If you have a recliner, try it. This will all pass soon, you are on your way :)
   — DonnaCarol

January 21, 2002
i slept propped up with about 6 pillows for about a gets better...good luck on your way to a skinny new you.
   — [Anonymous]

January 21, 2002
I used about 5 pillows my first couple of nights at home. I am now 1 week post-op and I will say sleeping in the bed is getting better and moving period gets better everyday. Keep your chin up, it will get better and pray.
   — Sylvia W.

January 22, 2002
Poor Baby!I am 8 days post op and I cant imagine what I would have done if I had had to sleep in a bed.I dont think we own enough pillows!As it is,I am in a recliner that I borrowed from my father in law.Each day I try my bed out to check my progress,but so far I cant lie in it without discomfort.I,too, get up during the night several times.My best advice is to try and borrow or even rent a recliner for a few weeks any way you can.Not only does it help in sleeping comfortably, but it really assists you in rising!Maybe ask a friend who has one if you can borrow it ( explain the reason) - and its only for maybe 3 weeks tops.Or since you dont need to keep this forever, try the Salvation Army.You can cover it completely with sheets and blankets to avoid cooties! Best of Luck!
   — Stephanie H.

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