Can Someone Help Me Interpret My Pre-Op Lab Test Request? What is all this stuff?
I just got the paper for my pre-op lab work. It says I need a 3hr. GTT with 100mg/ml of glucola, CBC, T4 & TSH, LIPID PANEL, CHEMISTRY PANEL TO INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: calcium, phosphorus, bun, uric acid, total protein, albumin, total calcium, bilirubin, direct bilirubin, triglycerides, SGOT, SGPT, GGTP (transpeptidase), alkaline phospate, LDH, sodium, potassium, chloride, cholesterol, iron. What kind of tests to they do to determine these, and do any of them hurt? I assume they will draw blood, what else will they do? Will I have to have a blood gasses test? Will they need a urine (or anything else) sample? Thanks for the info., I just want to know what to expect from this. — Jennifer Y. (posted on January 18, 2002)
January 18, 2002
All of the tests you listed can be obtained by drawing blood. From my
nursing experience I would say that it would take about 4-5 long vials of
blood for all of those tests.
— [Anonymous]
January 18, 2002
To the previous poster I would add that the 3hr GTT is a glucose tolerance
test. It involves drinking a high glucose(sugar) liquid and then testing
your blood at various intervals afterward. It's to determine how well your
body responds to the sugar and gets your blood sugar back to normal. They
will probably put a needle in a vein to get the blood and then cap it off
so they don't have to stick you more than once. Just be aware that it does
take time.
— [Anonymous]
January 18, 2002
— Mickey B.
January 18, 2002
I had the GTT Glucose Tolerance test when I was pregnant to check for
diabetes. They took my blood when I first went in (fasting) then I drank a
large cup of this VERY sweet and kinda thick Orange Pop type drink...tasted
good, but sweet. Then after every hour they took my blood again...3X total.
I hope they do cap it off like one of the previous posters said...but they
didn't for me. I was stuck 4 X that day. They don't let you leave either
between hours...they don't want you moving around much. The other stuff is
easy...just blood tests. Don't worry...other than a long hungry will be a piece of cake! P.S. Get in there early!
— Karen B.
January 18, 2002
Well, the T4 & TSH tests are to check your thyroid levels. Nothing is
worst than the Upper GI's before and after surgery, from what I have heard.
All these blood tests are a piece of cake! (pun intended, pre-op) :)
Good luck!
January 18, 2002
I hope your Dr informed you that you must be fasting in order to these
test. Especially for the GTT.. How the GTT works is that they will first
draw a baseline sample(Fasting), they will then have you drink the
glucola(either orange or lemon lime flavor). they will wait a hour and then
draw your blood every hour for 3 hours. So bring a book or something to
read. Usually they do not let you leave the facility.CBC- checks your blood
counts(wbc,rbc H&H),T4/TSH are thyroid tests, Chem panel- checks your
liver,kidney functions as well as electrolytes. Expect them to draw at
least 6 tubes of blood. 4 Greys for the GTT, 1Lavender for the CBC, 1-2
Speckeld/red tops for the rest. Sorry, if this scares you.. just wanted you
to be prepared.
— [Anonymous]
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