Do stained teeth have anything to do with WLS?

I'm 3 months post-op and just yesterday noticed two front, lower teeth are stained. I drink a lot of tea, but I've always drank a lot of tea, so I'm wondering if my teeth are more porous now. Any advice?    — scottiemaam O. (posted on January 16, 2002)

June 25, 2002
I too am having the same problem. My top two front and one bottom is stained..I am 10 months out and noticed this about 1 - 2 months ago....However it has gotten very bad....I have an appt with the dentsit....Will update once I see him...If anyone knows what could be causing this please let me know. Thanks!!
   — Rachel A.

December 15, 2002
I'm having this same problem. I take calcium supplements, but I wonder if I'm getting less nutrients or something.
   — Lisa P.

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