Calling all cheerleaders - 2 more days and scared to death

HELP. How can I calm down?    — Janice P. (posted on January 15, 2002)

January 15, 2002
Hi Janice, you wouldn't be normal if you were not scared. Just think about going over to the "other side". I know that's what I do. I can't wait yet am nervous at times too. I think about the summer coming up and how great I am going to look and feel. I can't wait to turn heads again! Think happy thoughts! Think positive and I know you will do wonderful. Best wishes for a speedy recovery. Debbie
   — Deborah F.

January 15, 2002
Read my profile and the other post op ones here, you will be another success story! Thisc is the very BEST decision I have ever made!!!
   — bob-haller

January 15, 2002
Janice, I am so sorry you are scared. This is an exciting time for you! Just think about your future! I never did get scared, just a little nervouse on the morning of. I guess that is exactly what I did, daydreamed of what it was going to be like 'after', from the time of my insurance approval! It was the best thing I ever did for myself! I used to be smaller - 155# when I met my hubby, I was up to 245# at the time of my surgery on Sept. 27, 2001. I was so tired of being tired, so tired of the aches and pains, and so tired of not being able to keep up with my family! I was miserable. Now that I am 'after', just by a few months, and down to 180#, I am so much happier :) Don't be scared, be happy!
   — [Anonymous]

January 15, 2002
It is natural to be scared i was and it was my first surgery. I just kept thinking about the other people that were successes and thought of all the things i wanted to do when i lost weight that i was to heavy to do because i was so overweight and exhausted. Right before i went in i said a prayer and it made me feel better. I just knew that God was going to get me through it just fine and i put my trust in my surgeons hands knowing that i chose the right doc. It will be over before you know it and you will look back and wonder why you spent time being scared. It is the best decision i ever made for myself i don't regret it for one second. Good Luck and God Bless! You will do fine!
   — Tammy N.

January 15, 2002
It is natural to be scared i was and it was my first surgery. I just kept thinking about the other people that were successes and thought of all the things i wanted to do when i lost weight that i was to heavy to do because i was so overweight and exhausted. Right before i went in i said a prayer and it made me feel better. I just knew that God was going to get me through it just fine and i put my trust in my surgeons hands knowing that i chose the right doc. It will be over before you know it and you will look back and wonder why you spent time being scared. It is the best decision i ever made for myself i don't regret it for one second. Good Luck and God Bless! You will do fine!
   — Tammy N.

January 15, 2002
Janice Hi, I just had my RNY the 11th. On the 9 & 10 Th. I was scared to death. I played the what if cards. I think I made peace with myself and on the 11th I was about 90% calm. I did this by talking to everyone and reading everything I could. It is not as bad as you are letting yourself think it is. And I am a huge baby when it comes to pain. Make yourself some lists. Put on one what you CAN'T do, on the other what you WANT to do. ( Bet the want to do is huge ) Go in the chat room tell them your scared, listen to their stories. I wish you a wonderful new beginning.
   — domestic G.

January 15, 2002
Janice, you will be fine. I was really nervous about the surgery & I was constanly feeling uneasy but when I got to the hospital everyone was really nice & assisted me in whatever I needed, just pray & keep your focus on re-establishing a good, healthy lifestyle. I had my surgery on 12/24/2001 & believe me I know how you feel, just remember why you are having WLS & that should help ease your fears. GOD BLESS YOU.
   — [Deactivated Member]

January 15, 2002
It's natural to be scared, I cried as they put me to sleep and I cried when my "angel" woke me up to tell me I was on the other side! You will do GREAT! Good luck to you!
   — Elizabeth D.

January 16, 2002
Thank you all for your wonderful notes. I'm printing them and taking them with me to the hospital...tomorrow morning!
   — Janice P.

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