Going home by train a week and a half after surgery?

Hi, I am planning on going from Florida to California for Lap surgery hopefully in June. I just don't feel comfortable flying in light of recent events, so really the only other way I can see is by train (I guess I could spring for a sleeper car at least). I don't think I'll be able to afford staying in CA more than a week or two post-op, so do you think that will be enough? Anyone ever taken a train home post-op? I've never been on one myself. Thanks!    — [Anonymous] (posted on January 14, 2002)

January 13, 2002
Check with the hospital where you'll be having the surgery to see if they have a Hospitality House. I stayed at one for $10/nite/person. My family was able to join me. I took the train to all my pre-op appts., but my daughter drove me home post-op. That train ride is gonna be a long one. check out airfares vs. sleeper car rates on the train. I'll bet if you get your reservation now, you could save. Best of luck to you on your journey.
   — blank first name B.

January 13, 2002
Hi - I think you'd be fine for a train ride physically but seems like it might be emotionally draining too. You'll probably be pretty tired when you get home. Just a thought - (and please don't flame me folks cause I respect anyone's decision on what surgeon they choose!) have you considered a surgeon closer to home? There are some truly excellent surgeons in the Atlanta area and of course our center in Birmingham, Alabama is excellent as well (I am the Surgical Weight Loss Program Coordinator at our hospital). Good Luck on your WLS journey as well as your cross country journey. If you do take the train you would probably be glad you chose a sleeper car! Feel free to email me if you would like any info on surgeons closer to home. BEST WISHES!
   — ronascott

January 13, 2002
I think flying is SAFER. The biggest danger post op is blood clots. Now you can walk around on the train, but your activity will be restricted. Now this isnt a big issue for a 5 hour flight, but get up atr least once a hour and move! On a multi day train trip this would be really tough. Hopefully by the time of your surgery the danger will have greatly past. Airliners are now real tough to hijack, the passengers will attack the threat. Terrorists will move on to easier targets....
   — bob-haller

January 14, 2002
Like Dorothy in the WofOz said "There's no place like home..." and believe me, taking the train isn't going to get you home fast enough. You are safe flying. I just took a train from Seattle to California for the Christmas Holidays...and I couldn't wait to get off that train. I had a "sleeper" though I can't imagine why it's called that! :-) You are going to want to be comfortable...and being home is "where it's at". Get home safe and sound and Quickly on an airliner and begin your new life and recovery in the familiar surroundings of home. Trains are slow...and they are not cheap. Especially for the upgrade to a sleeper.
   — Ed D.

January 14, 2002
I worked for AMTRAK for 5 years before I quit and just to let you know..June is peak season and it really dosent matter too much when you book your reservation and in addition the "sleeper car" is still an additional fee on top of the Rail Fare. This could get a bit costly..Im thinking that from Florida to California or visa versa your looking at a much higher price then a plane trip. It will take you 4 to 5 days on the train and take it from experience..the train isnt a "Smooth Ride"!!! The first class sleepers are very small and you share a bathroom unless you get the Delux Sleeper which is a pretty penny and still very small. Trust me..Fly!!!
   — [Anonymous]

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