How common is it for us to gain some weight after reaching goal?

I reached goal at 11 months post op with a total loss of 116 pounds. I was very happy at 138 pounds. That was July. In October, I was admitted to the hospital and couldn't eat. I lost about 5 pounds in 4 days. I looked gross. Ideally I am supposed to be 130 pounds but with the dead weight of the excess skin, I cannot be a healthy 130. I am telling you, I looked in the mirror and almost got scared. After I left the hospital I was about about 135 and stayed there for a mere few weeks. Within about a month, I was back to about 139-140, which I an comfy at. Last week I went to the doctor's and weighed in. I gained 3 pounds in about 3 weeks! I am now at 144 (end of day after eating). Is it normal to gain weight after reaching goal? Or, am I destined to gain 1 pound a week until I'm up in the 200's again? I know that my eating habits haven't been the greatest and I have been working on the over the past week. Thanks for the input!    — Jeannet (posted on January 13, 2002)

January 13, 2002
Expected. But there is "bounceback", which is just finding your level and there is regain. After you eliminate the mechanicals, staple line disruption, stretched stoma, stretched pouch, fistula, then the next group would be your post-op nutrition. Used plenty of protein & vite & water-water-water supps all the way down? Never had long periods of being undernourished resulting in low labs? No milk, sugar, grazing or drinking with meals? After you rule out mechanicals, then the next thing is "complacency". You "got away with it" until now, whatever "it" was, but now you are approaching the 2 year wall and may have to tighten down habits that had become sloppy over time. It happens to just about everyone.
   — vitalady

January 13, 2002
If you look at the statistics, there is a good chance for some regain of the pounds lost. The way I look at it is this....I am morbidly obese....even though I've lost the excess weight, my body still has the disease -- I'm just in remission. Whatever made me MO is still lurking, and the tool of WLS has made me beat that monster for now...but it is still lurking and I feel it could try to attack again. That's why I look at this surgery as A TOOL, not a magic bullet. I will continue to be careful in my eating habits and keeping my activity level high thru exercise. I'm not super-strict...I do have my treats on occasion...I just cannot treat myself everyday.
   — Tricia I.

January 13, 2002
Is it possible to have the excess skin taken off? Yhen you can look healthier at goal weight plus make it easier to stay there.
   — Candace F.

January 14, 2002
According to my surgeon, we should EXPRCT to regain 10% of the weight we lost, within 5 years of reaching goal. Then, you maintain. That little formula worked out for me and my two best buddies who had rny's a year after me. I'm four years post rny, orginally lost 150lbs. But, I gained 17 pounds, two years later. Two years later, I eat quite normally and my weight never budges.
   — [Anonymous]

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