Are beans a good source of protein?
I love chicken, beef and fish. However, I find it hard to eat that stuff for lunch (most of the time). So instead, I usually mix refried fat free beans with vegetarian chilli. Is this an ok source for protein? I don't think I get enough protein to begin with, so I need super high protein foods. Thanks, you all are the best. — Cinna G. (posted on January 11, 2002)
January 11, 2002
You don't say if you are doing protein drinks between meals. You really
will increase your protein if you do two protein drinks per day. That will
certainly help with the protein intake issue. Yes, beans are a good source
of protein. Some days I just can't stand the thought of meat or my tummy
is revolting against meat so I'll have some beans for a meal. You can
sprinkle a little cheese on them to also increase the protein content.
Good luck! amy
— purdue_1993
January 11, 2002
Yes, yes yes! Advocates of food-combining will tell you to eat a carb with
it, like rice or corn to get the most out of your protein. As a 14 year
vegetarian, I say phooey, but it is
a good excuse to eat some chips/hard taco shells with your beans. I just
can't really handle a flour tortilla or rice, so I eat a few baked or
olestra tostitos. Or a hard taco shell is only 50 calories adn lie 3 g of
fat. We do need some fat in our diet.
— M. A. B.
January 11, 2002
Beans don't have the same amount of protein per volume as meat or cheese
but they are still pretty good as a hi protein choice. I'd agree with the
previous poster about adding some cheese that is hi in protein. Or
sometimes I just have cheese and fruit as a meal instead of having meat.
— ctyst
January 11, 2002
Very much so! As stated before, not as high as meats and seafood, but they
do have a lot of good protein for an alternative during the day. Visit It is a vegetarian website and if you scan about
half way down the page, you will find the protein count of a lot of
different kinds of beans as well as other foods that are used in a vegetarian diet.
— Kellie Jo B.
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