I just got back my thyroid results and they are off?

Hello Everyone I just got a call from my doctors with my thyroid results and the numbers were off. My surgery is scheduled for this upcoming Thursday and now they want me to go see my primary doctor for her to review and maybe put me on medication. My questions is will this cause a delay in my surgery? Anyone who knows anything about thyroid problems please tell me what happened to you and if you were still able to have RYN LAP surgery?    — Nicole F. (posted on January 11, 2002)

January 11, 2002
You didn't say whether it was over or underactive. They may want you to try medication first because if your thyroid is messed up, that could be why you are overweight, and if you can regulate that with medication and lose all your weight, why would you want to put yourself through the stress and ordeal of surgery? Talk to your PCP and see what she says. It's important you talk to her right away and find out if it is your thyroid causing your weight problem. Also, if it is, insurance may refuse to cover the surgery, as they know the loss can b achieved much cheaper with medication! Good luck! Keep us posted!
   — [Anonymous]

January 11, 2002
Hi Nichole, I have thyroid desease I have headr that if your thyroid is out of wack you can not be put to sleep it can be very dangerous . Good luck, I hope this helps
   — Julie B.

January 12, 2002
I have a thyroid disease,graves disease, I have had my thyroid "killed" off so I take a replacement. Loosing weight has really knocked it out of whack. I would definately(sp) talk to the docs but if you get it under control and start loosing weight its not going to matter. I have to get it checked every three months. Hope this helps somehow. Tisha Wright
   — Tisha W.

January 12, 2002
My thyroid was a little off at my presurgery testing. But everything went as was scheduled. Good luck.
   — TONYA B.

March 7, 2002
Today I found out that my thyroid numbers were "off" for my blood work, and that my surgeon was sending me a script for synthroid. I'm supposed to have my blood retaken sometime in the future to check on the levels. I've never had this problem before (I'm 39), but my older brother had the same problem in his 40's. I've been tired and sleepy, so perhaps it will help me feel better. I still think I could use some help with my weight loss.
   — Maria S.

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