Any Curves for Women members out there?

Pre-op I went to Curves for women three times per week. I am now seven weeks post-op and my doctor says I can return to working out there next week. I am scared this may be too much on my new tummy and cause a hernia. I am curious if there are any ladies out there who also go to Curves and how soon after surgery they felt comfortable going there and working out. Thanks for your help! Amy    — purdue_1993 (posted on January 7, 2002)

January 7, 2002
I have been a member for just over a year .. going 3x a week! I am pre-op just 2 1/2 weeks away. I went in and spoke with the manager, told her what I was doing and she suggested that after my doctor released me to come back, that I would want to take it really slow on the "ab" machines. As you know the faster you work the machines the more resistance you get, so she suggested just take it really slow and then get a little faster each time I came in. She was really great to offer to work with me for the 1st couple of weeks I get back. I just love them!!!
   — Kathy J.

January 7, 2002
I love Curves! I had surgery on May 25, 2001, but had alot of complications that prevented me form working out until September, so I can't say how soon is okay. However, everyone there seems to work out at their own pace which is encouraged, so I would bet you can go soon and just take it very easy. Just watch out on the abs machine as the previous poster said, and just don't push too hard on the others, including the one where you sit and push out with your feet, as I would imagine that would put some pressure on your tummy as well. Take advantage of the in between pads and walk or dance around to get your metabloism going, no pressure on the abdominals there! Oh, also, I wouldn't even do the "beast" which is what call the one where you squat all the way down with that heavy thing on your shoulders. That can pull your guts, so maybe just do some extra walking or dancing for a while instead of that one! Best of luck and enjoy!
   — Vicki K.

January 7, 2002
Hi! I have been a member of Curves for a year. My surgery was 10-2-01. My doctor said I could go back in the middle of November, but I chose to wait until December 3, 2001. I was already riding a exercise bike at home and when Doc said I could go back in November I starte doing weights, set ups, streches and step exercise on my own. I never had any trouble. I moved furniture on December 20, 2001 and pulled a muscle, I kept going to Curves, just did not do certain machines. It's Great to be back at Curves. Lana
   — Lana H.

January 7, 2002
Amy, I feel I have to respond to this question. I am 9 weeks post op. Had a laproscopic RNY. Was in the hospital 1 day and had no complications. I went back exercising at Curves at 1 week post-op. I asked my Doc and he said as soon as I felt like it to get moving. I did take it a little easy at first, however, it didn't take me long until I was working out at almost the same intensity as before my surgery. I think the reason I jumped right in and went for it was because I own 2 Curves for Women franchises here in Alabama. I had to share--so my answer to your question is I think you can go back as soon as you feel like it and take it as slow as you need to until you get your strength back. I'm excited to see so many people go to CURVES! Keep up the good work!
   — brndyrssll

January 8, 2002
I have a Curves for Women just across the street from me, and have avoided it like the plague- thinking "that is the last thing I need to do, get sucked into another gym" - get your butt outside and go walk the slug-like dogs of yours. However, hearing you gals rave about it, I am curious- could you give me the lowndown- without me having to go over there and hear the hard sale spiel- like costs, why you like it etc. It is so convienently located to me/my work, I could legitimately consider it..... feel free to post or e-mail at [email protected]
   — Karen R.

January 8, 2002
I go to Curves and I LOVE IT! It is quick and easy! I hope after surgery I can still go.
   — [Anonymous]

January 8, 2002
I had Lap RNY on 9/27/01. I joined Curves on 11/29/01. In 1 month, I lost 9 1/2 inches by their measurements. 1 1/2 inches just in 1 thigh! I go 5 times per week and have had no problems so far. I can't say this program is the right thing for everyone, but it seems to be woking for me. Good luck to you on your surgery!
   — Mary O.

January 12, 2002
I am 8 wks post op Had a vertical banded gastro .I just joined curves 2 weeks ago and it is working great. I have lost a total of 45 pounds in this eight weeks and curves is helping me tone up some of the flab I can tell already. I also had hernia surgery at the time of my far no problems exersizing at curves. Go for it!!!
   — Sherrie W.

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