At what BMI did you lose your period? Anyone lose it because of weight?

Hi, I guess this is sorta personal, but I would like to know how many of you did not have a period because of your weight. I went on Depo like 2 years ago for birth control, but it disturbed me that I had no periods for so long. I did not get my next injection which was scheduled for October of 2000, and have had no injections of it since. I know sometimes it takes a while for your period to come back after Depo, but this is getting ridiculous! I am wondering if maybe it has gone away becuse of my weight, since I've gained about 30lbs. since my period disappeared with Depo. My BMI is now at 43, and I am just wondering if that is a high enough BMI for my period to stop. At what BMI did you guys lose your period? I am really interested to know. Thanks so much!    — Jennifer Y. (posted on January 6, 2002)

January 5, 2002
I stopped having periods at about 390 pounds and didn't have them for about 2 years (I gained weight until I hit 530 pounds). When I started losing weight post op, my periods returned. I still get delays in starting when I am under stress (I skipped one the month my parents died), but for the most part I am regular. They returned right about the time I hit 390, interestingly enough. I am now 294, 19 moths post op. Good Luck to you.
   — merri B.

January 5, 2002
Hi, My periods were always irregular when I was heavy and I did not have a period for 6 months before my surgery, at my weight 400 ponds, as soon as the weight started to come off, my periods came back as as I lost more weight they are very regular now and come every 29 days! I have lost a totaL OF 214 pounds and weigh 186# And feel wonderful!! Good luck to you.
   — Valerie D.

January 6, 2002
HI..I am still pre-op,surgery is Jan 23..but I am 414lbs..bmi is 60.6 and my persiods are still like clockwork..on time every month..
   — tylerswife

January 6, 2002
Hi! When I am at a "normal" weight, my periods are like clockwork. Since I have been obese, I haven't had a period. I haven't had a period in several years and my OBGYN said that it WAS because of the additional weight. I was healthy otherwise. I have gone from 280 to 225 and STILL haven't had a period. (Not that I'm complaining!) As for the Depo shot, my best friend got off of it so she could get pregnant and it took her almost a FULL YEAR before she even had a period. I also think that you should see your OBGYN just to make sure that nothing like ovarian cysts are causing you to miss periods. You can never be too careful! Good luck on your journey of weightloss!
   — vbenedict0208

January 6, 2002
My periods became irregular so that I was having one or two, maybe three a year when my weight was around 300. I started a period the day after my surgery & have been like clockwork ever since. 20 months post, down 175#....fertile! :)
   — Kathy W.

January 6, 2002
I started out before wls at 350 lbs (BMI 57) and was still have periods... pretty much regular even though I have polycystic ovaries (I had ovarian surgery when I was at 250 lbs). So... it just depends on you!! This is the strange thing though: I had my period two weeks before my surgery, and right after surgery (like started that DAY) I had another period, light for me, but a period. Now, I am just over 3 weeks post op and no period in site... who knows! lol... I give up! :)
   — Sharon H.

January 6, 2002
i am 415lbs w/ a BMI of 67. i lost my period at about 4 years ago when i hit 350lbs, and only get them 3 to 4 times a year.
   — Tica G.

January 17, 2002
I had irregular periods if I became even slightly stressed once I hit 230. At 260 I would go months without a period. My doctor put me on Prometrium to get me to start. October I had to have a D&C to clean me out and remove polyps after having non-stop bleeding for three months. My doctor figures I have been infertile for a few years now. I want to have the surgery to help regulate me and someday have children. Fat is blocking the one thing I always wanted, kids.
   — [Anonymous]

February 21, 2002
I'm 40 yrs old, BMI of 40, 240 lbs. Started menes at age 12, regular until age 16, then stopped. (weight approx. 160lbs) diagnosed PCOS at age 17. Always had to take birth control pills,Spirolactone or Glucophage to regulate the periods.
   — [Anonymous]

April 3, 2002
My periods were always irregular, but they came more frequently after my children were born. I had not trouble conceiving (around 200-240lbs). My periods come about once or twice a year above 350, more often below 300 (5' 8").
   — Maria S.

May 25, 2002
I have alwasy been obese... since I was a young child. So my menses never got the chance to be normal. I went through countless testing when I was young to try to figure out why and then it donned on the doctor that it was obesity related. The only time they were ever normal is when I went on the pill. I havel also found out the, due to my obesity, I am infertile. I am hoping that after the surgery, my husband and I can start having a family.
   — sammygirlwpc

May 25, 2002
I guess I'm the odd one out here because my period started coming twice a month as the weight increased...this was when I was still in highschool....I'm 32 now. At one time about 6 years ago, my period lasted for 4 months straight...I was at the doctors about once every two weeks and noone could get it to stop. After finding the right birth control formula, it finally was controllable. And even then I was bleeding through when I shouldn't be. My blood count hovered around a 6 for a long time....severe anemia. Just last year I had to have exploratory laproscopy to check for possible endometriosis and/or adenomiosis....they found neither. I was told my reproductive system was perfect, and that the bleeding was completely caused by the obesity. Since then I was put on Depo but taken off when it caused me to gain 40 lbs. Switched to another birth control pill which I take continuously because my doctor did not want me to have a period at all so my blood could build back up. Hopefully this surgery will allow me to have normal periods finally.
   — Wendy C.

December 27, 2002
Im 30, 5'5 488# and my period has always been on time ever since I got it at age 12...every 28 days like clockwork. Hope it doesnt change after my ds/bpd wls in Feb. :) Lisa
   — Lisa Jean

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