Is is possible to have LapRNY after gall bladder surgery?

I am hoping to have LapRNY but I'm concerned I may not be a good candidate. I had my gall bladder removed over 12 years ago and have a lovely scar to show for it! Could this be a problem when performing the LapRNY? I only have 2 choices of surgeons where I does Lap, one does I wonder if I should even attempt to have a consultation with the surgeon who performs LapRNY. Thanks in advance for any responses.    — blank first name B. (posted on December 28, 2001)

December 27, 2001
I just had my visit with the surgeon and because I had my gall bladder out over 25 years ago, he said I cannot have the Lap due to scar tissue. However, he did make me feel better as to the time of surgery with the open as compared to the Lap. The open will only be about 1-1/2-2 hours. I guess the Lap is longer. may be different and be able to have the Lap. Your surgeon will make the decision.
   — Cathy J.

December 27, 2001
Hello and best of luck in your WLS journey. My surgeon will not perform lap on anyone who has had previous abdominal surgery. He prefers open anyhow, but since I had my gall bladder removed 16 years ago, I would not have been eligible for lap regardless of his preference.
   — Linda W.

December 27, 2001
I had laproscopic gall bladder surgery and my surgeon gave me the choice. I decided to have it open however because there is less risk since it's a shorter surgery and you get out of the hospital one day earlier. Theres a lot of debate on which is better some people post that you have a 30% chance of hernias if you have open and I asked my Doctor and he said that wasn't true. He said you have no more risk then a lap patient which he said was very low. He said that hernias are more related with how the doctor closes the incision that is why he double stiches and staples. He said some doctors use one stich or dermabond and that is not adequate for an obese person. He's very experienced he does at least 30 of these surgerys a month. Good Luck with whatever you decide.
   — Candace F.

December 27, 2001
I am almost two weeks post-op (lapRNY). This issues was of great concern to me as well. I had my gall bladder removed via lap about 8 years ago and at my final meeting with the surgeon just before going in we discussed that he would try to perform my surgery lap but with ALL pervious abdominal surgeries there may be adhesion/scar tissue that "gets in the way" and if this is the case he would have to open me up. Fortunately for me this was not the case but it was a possibility. Best of luck in your decision.
   — blank first name B.

December 27, 2001
I'm 16 days post op and had my gall bladder out 10 yrs ago.. I had the lap RNY done and everything went beautifully :)
   — Carrie B.

December 27, 2001
You absolutely can! I had OPEN gall bladder surgery almost 20 years ago and had a successful Lap RNY 5 1/2 weeks ago. My surgeon put me under with the caveat that he may have to open me up if he found too much scar tissue, but in the end he said it was one of the best laps he's done. Best of luck!
   — Danette H.

December 28, 2001
The answer to your question depends largely on the laparascopic experience and expertise of the surgeon. I had a traditional gall bladder surgery 15 years ago, and then had a completly successful lap RNY. The surgeon found extensive adhesions (scar tissue) from the gall bladder surgery and removed them during the RNY without any problems. Even with the adhesions, the surgical time was only 1 hour 10 minutes. Best wishes!
   — Diana T.

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