I have large breast and have considered a reduction in the past

I could not have the surgery done because of my weight. I have been reading about people with large breast who lost a lot of breast 'meat' after weight loss. Thank goodness I know you all are tired of lugging them around [I am] - however do we still qualify for the reduction if the weight loss lessens pain and reduces the breast. Meaning can having large breast quailfy for medical necessity after you loose them due to weight loss    — Lynn W. (posted on December 18, 2001)

December 18, 2001
If I may ask, how come you're unable to have the surgery?
   — blank first name B.

December 19, 2001
Lynn, <br><br>I too started out with large breasts. I've always been rather large chested, and had considered breast reduction in the past. I had my open RNY in June, 2001 and have lost 82 lbs (started out at 298, now I'm 216). Unfortunately, my boobs haven't shrunk as much as I'd hoped. I've gone from a 46 DDD to a 40 DD. The one good thing is that my cleavage no longer goes up to my chin. However, I am still considering a breast reduction and a tummy tuck when I'm at goal. I just don't think they'll get as small as I'd like them to be. I don't see any problems getting this approved by my insurance. I've already gone to the doctor with rashes under my sagging tummy, and when I go in for my yearly exam with my GYN, I'll be complaining about back and shoulder pain. Gotta start planning! Anyway, I don't know if I helped you at all, but I just wanted to let you know that they don't always get smaller!!! Good luck!
   — Becky H.

December 19, 2001
My breasts didn't shrink up. They emptied out a bit, but they were still swinging & swaying.. I went from a DDD to a DD. They removed 3#'s from my breasts. Insurance paid 100%. Now I'm a perky C. It was the best thing I ever did! (
   — [Deactivated Member]

December 19, 2001

   — Lynn W.

December 19, 2001
My sister was 80lbs overweight with huge, pendulous breats and even at that weight she was approved for breast reduction surgery to alleviate severe neck and back strain. She delayed the breast reduction and lost 100lbs. by dieting. Her breasts flattened like pancakes. They weren't heavy, but they became long, flat scaly bags of skin. Her insurer still agreed to pay for breast reconstruction... it was no longer became reconstruction and they approved it because the they considered them to be a "deformity". I hope this was clear.
   — [Anonymous]

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