Male Infertility in morbidly obese

It is probably unlikely, but sister wanted me to ask. My brother in law was 500lbs before surgery, he is now down to about 320. They are trying to get pregnant and cannot because of issues with his sperm. Has anyone had the experience that being morbidly obese for a number of years, or maybe the fast loss of 180lbs in 10 mos cause this type of problem?    — [Anonymous] (posted on December 9, 2001)

December 9, 2001
My husband has been morbidly obese throughout his life. (Let's hope until now!). He had been warned that his weight would affect his fertility. We did conceive twice (although lost the second baby) but when trying to conceive again, could not. It turned out his sperm count was low and had very low motility. The doctors could give no definite cause for the change - they thought perhaps some virus had affected sperm production. However, there is also the fact that heat is sperm destructive and that there is so much tissue surrounding the testicles in a morbidly obese man that this can lead to the poor sperm. There was a doctor in NYC that developed a device that kept the testicles suspended lower from the body, reducing the body temperature surrounding them and he seemed to have a moderate success rate with it's use. However, I'm going back about 20 years and there have been so many advances since then. I wish your sister and brother-in -law much success and hope. I think (for whatever that's worth) they should give it some time as the large weight loss probably also takes is toll on body functions and one needs some time to "catch up". It sounds like they are headed in the right direction with losing weight and getting to better health all around. Most of all, there are so many possibilities out there today for couples who wish to conceive. Sometimes it just helps to take a deep breath and try a little patience. After all, he's on his way!
   — [Anonymous]

December 10, 2001
I HATE to ask this, but mechanically speaking does sex work right? If both folks are MO and carry most of the weight in their belly area sex can be a failure.
   — [Anonymous]

December 11, 2001
That is a good point...but not the case here. They already know that the issue lies with his sperm. I was just wondering if the weight or the weightloss may have something to do with it...I guess the hope being that if it does, than the problems may pass.
   — [Anonymous]

December 11, 2001
I wonder if all the flesh could be making the area too warm killing the sperm?
   — bob-haller

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