How long does it take to get FMLA paperwork done & does pre-op tests count?

I just started a new job & was told by a receint post-op to fill out FMLA forms. My company is very strigent on their sick day policy & unfortunately I haven't accrued any vacation or personal days as of yet. When should I fill out my FMLA papers & will it cover my pre-op testing? I am afraid that they will give me trouble taking off time to get the pre-op testing done? What should I do? I am waiting currently for insurance approval & am hoping to have the surgery in Feb. Thanks for your help!!    — [Anonymous] (posted on December 8, 2001)

December 8, 2001
uNFORTUNATELY fmla WILL ONLY KICK IN AFTER YOU HAVE BEEN AT YOUR JOB A YEAR. I ran into that too being I got layed off, and rehired a month later by my job. I have worked here a total of 4 years, but because the rehire date was only 9 months ago I was denied my FMLA protection. My manager is awsome though, and approved a General Leave of Abscence for my entire 6 weeks. I don't know if it will take that long but we will see. you should check with your HR department, or your manager, and see if they have a Policy on taking a general leave.
   — sbinkerd1

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