What about Insulin and Diabetes meds the days before and the day of surgery?

I take 40 units of Humulin twice a day, Avandia, and Amaryl 4 mg, twice a day. Will I take these the day of surgery? I can see myself getting really low with no food and little food the days before. I told I'm pretty comical when I get low--I say wierd things and act really spaced out. This would not be good as I'm checking into the hospital.    — N M. (posted on December 6, 2001)

December 6, 2001
i had open RNY 9/24/01, also diabetic. was told to take have of insulin amount before surgery,be sure your doctor knows your meds and he/she will advise as to what and how much to take. I didn't have a problem with low bloodsugar. Nurses checked blood often and gave meds as needed. I was taking 8 different meds a day plus insulin. now take only 1 blood pressure med and low amounts of insulin. always check with the doctors.

December 6, 2001
The last poster gave you the best advice. Check with your doctor. I talked at length with my pcp prior to surgery about how to handle my meds. I was on insulin twice a day, amaryl and actos once a day. My doctor told me not to take any medication the day of the surgery. They then monitored my sugar very closely and gave me meds as needed. I am now a little over 7 months out, down 80 pounds and am only on the actos daily. Prior to surgery my fasting sugar ran 260 to 300 with the meds. It is now in the low normal range. Good luck and just listen to the docs and you will do great. :).
   — cheryl R.

December 6, 2001
Absolutely talk w/your MD. I was told when I went for preadmit testing to take BP meds only day of surgery, NOT my diabetes medicine. My MD concurred but every hospital/surgeon will have their on protocol and you need to make sure you are on the same page they are on for safety's sake. Best wishes.
   — jsuggs

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