Question for Long-Term Post-Ops who Have had Abdominoplasty

I am post-op RNY since April 2000 and down 167 lbs. Under my surgeon's goal weight by 12 lbs, 13 lbs away from my personal goal weight. I am post-op abdominoplasty with hernia repair as of July 2001. Last week I noticed an area of tenderness on the right side of my abdomen, above the waist, about 3/4 inch from my incision, and about 2.5 inches below the breast. Yesterday the tenderness became more of a tingling/burning pain. Last night, as I reached to turn on computer speakers, I felt a pull and real pain in that area. I went to check myself out and felt a nickel-sized lump when I press on the area. It is sore and painful to the touch. If I turn or bend a certain way, breathe deeply or cough, it pulls and is painful. I put my binder back on this morning and the support helps me. Could this be another hernia? An adhesion? Anyone have this experience? I see my plastic surgeon on the 10th, but wanted to hear from others who may have encountered this. Thanks in advance.    — [Deactivated Member] (posted on November 29, 2001)

November 29, 2001
Go see your DR!!!!
   — Loretta C.

November 29, 2001
Very well could be another incisional hernia.. When I had my first abdominoplasty.. (three hernia repaired) from then until my abdominoplasty revision surgery.. I developed a 4th hernia not uncommon at all.. Seeing the surgeon again is very wise.. Take care and NO LIFTING..
   — Victoria B.

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