What exactly is acid reflux? Is it caused by weight gain?

I think that I have acid reflux but I'm not sure. I've never had this before. It seems to get worse the more weight I gain. Not to be gross but I seem to burp pieces of food up. It's acidy but not like when you vomit nor does it burn it just tastes real bad. Is that acid reflux? I also heard that it was irritated by weight gain. Is that true? It seems like most any food irritates it. Also I was told that I may have to have some kind of test done pre-op. Does anyone know what that intails? Last question will this surgery help acid reflux? Thanks for your help    — [Anonymous] (posted on November 24, 2001)

November 24, 2001
Acid Reflux is indeed aggravated by weight gain. I had severe acid reflux before surgery. Since I've lost 50 pounds now, my symptoms are much less severe now and less frequent. Most people find that as they become no longer obese, the symptoms do go completely away.
   — artistmama

November 24, 2001
Hi... I have acid reflux (also called GERD (Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease) and it is as you describe. Being obese definitely is a contributor though others can have it also. The test you are referring to is an endoscopy where a tube goes down to the stomach (lights up esophagus, stomach entry etc. and they can see if there is any damage from the acid or other problems prior to surgery. Esophagus damage could be a problem with the airway closing or there being intubation problems for anesthesia. I have been told that when I have this surgery my GERD should not be a problem and I'll be off Nexium and not have that problem any longer. Hooray. Best of luck to you as you proceed. Andrea
   — AJC750

November 24, 2001
I also have severe relux problems and I am scheduled for Wls on 12/14/01 and my gastrinilogist told me me symptoms should all but go away with the weight loss. Good Luck!
   — Brenda E.

November 24, 2001
I had terrible GERD and a huge hiatal hernia. That is a bulge in your esophagus above your stomach. It is much as you describe, or much worse. I seldom got through the night without waking up coughing and choking on stomach acid in my sinuses, no matter how propped up I was or how early I finished eating. With RNY the part of your stomach that produces most of the acid is the part that is removed, so the problem is largely solved. If you have a hiatal hernia in conjunction with heavy acid the surgeon can fix it during your surgery. It was such a relief to wake up from surgery and have NO heartburn. Even if I never lost a pound surgery would have been worth it to have the hernia and the reflux repaired. I have lost 80 pounds, have no more reflux, no more high blood pressure, feel great. Don't worry about the endoscopy, it is not a big deal at all, and if they find a GERD problem it is one more thing to send to your insurance and it will get fixed with surgery.
   — blank first name B.

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