I find myself thinking more and more

I just found out my date is 1/8/02 and I have never been so scared about dying in my life, is this normal??    — Wendi B. (posted on November 22, 2001)

November 21, 2001
Read my profile, I was actually shocked to wake up in recovery, I was that certain I was going to die in surgery! Dont fear WLS, EMBRACE IT! Your lucky to be getting a NEW HEALTHIER LIFE! Happy thanksgiving, and just think soon yoo too will have something new to be thankful for, feeling wonderful and looking great!
   — bob-haller

November 21, 2001
Hey look at my profile as well, I was so scared. I prayed for peace and the Lord gave it to me. Although I have to admit, I was so nervous the morning of my surgery the check in nurse told another nurse and they gave me a shot to relax me. My leg was just a shaking. I said another prayer to the lord and by the time that shot kicked in, I could have cared less...good stuff lol! You pray and I'll pray for you and you are going to feel so silly for doubting when you wake up on the other side on your way to a better you.
   — Charlotte G.

November 22, 2001
Dear Wendy, I wasn't so much terrified of dying in the weeks before my surgery, I did however think about it and leaving my family behind and then I just brushed it off. As I'm walking to my pre-op room, I started thinking of death, and leaving my 4-year-old daughter alone with no mother and then I got scared. I started crying while walking down the hall. I started telling my mom I wanted to leave and forget about the surgery because I was going to die. She didn't let me feel Ok about leaving, so I ended up staying and crying and convinced I was going to die. I told my mom to sell my new car and put it away for my daughters college education...I mean I KNEW I was going to die. I cried all the way to the operating room until they gave me the "happy" shot and then I didn't care anymore. Like Bill I was shocked, relieved, estatic to wake up in recovery. What a relief. Through the bad times I wished I had died at some times, but now I'm so glad that I did this. The fear of death pre-op is very very real; but as a post-op you know that you chose your surgeon because he was competent, medical facilities and lifesaving techniques are at they're best and there are surgeries that are 100x's more complicated happening every day and very few of them are dying. It's ok to be scared, you'll be fine and as a post-op you'll wonder what you were so scared of because you did so wonderfully. Good Luck to you!~
   — Kristin R.

November 22, 2001
Hi Wendi, When I first got approved I was elated!! but then the thoughts of death crept in... Someone on this site gave me these thoughts: There is a FAR GREATER chance of dying from being Morbidly Obese than on the operating table. That's something to think about, you'll be around alot longer. I have surgery on 12/12 and just today I thot' what if I have to leave my kids behind? Well there's only one person in control and it ain't us !!! Other things that have help me when I fear is looking at the before/after photos for inspiration. God Bless you.
   — Cindee A.

November 23, 2001
I was planning my own funeral in the days before surgery but my rational side reminded me that I would die sooner than later without the surgery. I also reminded myself of the misery of living in that huge body as well as the trust I had in my surgeon who I had VERY carefully selected. When you wake up from surgery, you will so be SO proud of yourself and KNOW that this year will be the year YOU took charge and took care of yourself!!
   — Lisa B.

November 24, 2001
My date is 1/3/02. I know what you mean! A while back I got my first round of jitters. I was terrified that I would leave my 4 kids motherless! I was absolutely, truly terrified. Seeing my doctor helped. He viewed the surgery as so routine, that it relaxed me a lot. However, now I'm starting to get nervous again. I'm trying really hard to keep busy - Thanksgiving, Christmas shopping, remodeling house, etc. I'm not backing out of the surgery, so I'm trying to keep distracted instead.
   — Kathy J.

November 22, 2002
Yeah dying to get this done, and behind No I know what you mean. Yes I have dreams, bad thoughs, etc and with no one behind me for support, it is hard. But after learning about this WLS .Theres no turning back. I really will feel depressed, even worst than before learning about it. This is one thing I have to do for me. Yes I went through how abouts. But I think positive. I go to church. anyhow and I do learn about GOD. and life and death. I'm ok with all this worry. Put all your worries in God hand. Besides no one can hide away from death. It will happen anytime, anyplace. Go ahead live alittle for you. and forget about HOW ABOUTS. Hugs
   — Naes Wls J.

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