I want to lose weight, but I am afraid of losing too much...

I am 260 (and rising probably) and I should be 140 according to the charts of height/weight... I want to get the DS because I think I could live with the post-op lifestyle better than RNY. I have seen a few pictures of people who have had different types of weight loss surgery though and.... no offense to anyone, but some look really horrible because they seem so thin. I think this person had something like an Illeum bypass? I know distal is distal and DS is always distal, but I don't want to get scrawny... I would be pretty happy with 150 to be honest. I have seen the stats on how much of your excess weight you lose... like 85%, and if that's the case, then that's good. Is this silly? Am I just worrying for nothing? I just don't want to turn into a bag of bones. Thanks for the input.    — [Anonymous] (posted on November 15, 2001)

November 14, 2001
Yes, you're worrying over nothing. With the proximal RNY (the kind I had), most achieve 65-85% loss of their excess weight, so if you started out at 407 like me, you could expect to get down to about 220. I don't consider that scrawny by a long shot. Yes, some do get overly skinny, but most wish they could lose that last 10-15 lbs. and have to really work near the end to achieve it.
   — Terissa R.

November 15, 2001
I had Lap RNY, Proximal. I started at 270 pounds and now at 9 months post-op, am at 146 and still loosing, although slowly. I have lost 100% of my excess weight. A "normal" BMI for me is at 154 pounds, so I'm below that. I'd like to loose a little more (get down into the 130's), but if I don't, I still consider my surgery a complete success. I've got before/after pics on my profile page. I think I look healthy now, but was worried about getting "too skinny", although I honestly don't think that will happen to me! I've gone from a size 24/26 to an 8. Best wishes to you.
   — T.L. S.

November 15, 2001
VERY FEW folks get underweight, this conclusion after reading many of the profiles here and knowing personally many post ops. Just look at the before and after pictures here. Most look great, but there are few skinnies in our midst. RNYs loose on average 70 to 89 % of the excess weight.
   — bob-haller

November 15, 2001
I have yet to see anyone who looked like a bag of bones. Most if get "under" goal, come back up to a more "generous" level. I think most of the people i have seen look wonderful. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder you know.
   — Jackiis

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