Is it a bad idea to have breast lift before having children?
Hi, I'm hoping to have surgery, and I'm also kind of hoping to have a breast lift afterwards. I'm young though and I haven't had any children yet, so I'd hate to have my breasts go too far south again. I don't plan to have kids any time in the near future though, and I really don't know if I can stand to live with my breasts the way they are now, after I'm thin. Has anyone had this surgery before having children and NOT had a saggage problem afterwards? Is there anyway to keep your breasts from ballooning up during pregnancy? — [Anonymous] (posted on November 8, 2001)
November 8, 2001
Well, if you have any sort of breast surgery before having children,
there's a very good chance you will not be able to breastfeed. That's a
terrible loss for the health and nutrition of your baby, and for you as
well, both emotionally and in terms of breast cancer prevention. There's no
way to prevent enlargement of breasts during pregnancy, as they are
preparing to do their job. :-) I suppose if your surgeon removed most of
the milk ducts as they did the rest of the surgery, you wouldn't have that
"problem" but again, I really encourage you to think long and
hard about destroying your ability to breastfeed.
— Julia M.
November 8, 2001
Just to address the previous poster's answer, you usually CAN breastfeed
after breast enhancement, particularly if the implant is placed behind the
muscle wall. On the other hand, you specify "breast lift", in
which case it wouldn't affect breastfeeding at all. I'm assuming you're
more concerned with getting them lifted, and then them sagging again after
kids. Of course, no one can answer what exactly will happen to you, but
again I was told if your implant is behind the muscle wall it's more likely
to hold the breast tissue firm.
— [Anonymous]
November 8, 2001
You may not want to put the cart before the horse. You don't know what
your breast will look like after you lose weight. I am down to 200 from 276
and mine actually look *better*. And I am a DD/DDD. I am 28, no kids.
And, there is NO way to keep your breast from getting big while you are
pregnant. Thats just a hormone thing :)
— M. A. B.
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