I will be moving to a Cold Climate 1mo. postop afraid of pneumonia? How to Prepare?

   — [Anonymous] (posted on November 4, 2001)

November 4, 2001
Just take care of yourself, the cold weather may actually protect you by killing off germs and viruses. Maybe take in some extra Vitamin C. *I'm not a doctor, but play one at home :)* Good Luck and be healthy.
   — Donna L.

November 4, 2001
There are vacines for pneamonia, so ask your pcp. Post op your health will improve, making you better able to fight off all sorts of things,
   — bob-haller

November 4, 2001
Pneumonia is caused by either a bacterium or a virus, not by cold weather. As a Minnesotan, I am well-qualified to comment on winter weather. Most Minnesotans do not spend a lot of time outside in the dead of winter. Especially at 1 month post-op, you are not fit to shovel snow nor do alot outside, so basically you're going to be in the house. Your biggest health risk will be "cabin fever." (unbearable boredom!) Have lots of good books or videotapes lined-up for your convalescence. Good luck!
   — Nancy G.

November 4, 2001
Nancy is right. I had pneumonia in Sept. when it was still 80 degrees here in CT. I am happy to say that WLS in no way affected my ability to absorb antibiotics and I think I recovered much more quickly than I would of 60 pounds earlier. Just take care of yourself post-op and start giving those lungs a workout. Exercise! Rebeckah
   — blank first name B.

November 6, 2001
I've had so many cases of bronchitus that I've lost count. Then around 3 or 4 years ago I had a phemonia shot. I've only had bronchitus once since then! For some reason it has helped me greatly with that. However my Mom had the phemonia shot and was very well for one year, THEN, she got phemonia! Now they say there are many kinds of phemonia and it does'nt protect against all forms. But it is a great help. I think it is supposed to last around 10 years. But I would highly recommend you get it.
   — Danmark

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