Has anyone had a severe burning when they twist/turn/bend a certain way?
I am almost 3 weeks post op, and started having this pain about 1 week ago. It is almost in the center of my stomach, inbetween my two LAP incisions on my lower right side. If I hold and suuport the area where it burns, I am able to bend and move with no pain, but I can't drive, walk too long or sometimes even use the bathroom myself. About 1 week ago I felt like I was almost back to normal, and now this hits. My surgeon says it is either A. My body healing, everything learning to work together or B. An infection brewing but we won't know about that until it surfaces. He told me to take my pain meds, but that just relaxes me and my muscles, I still feel this terrible pain. He said I just have to let it runs its course. Has anyone else had this awful burning? Is there a way to get rid of it or does anyone have an tips on how to make it go away? I am open to ALL suggestions. Thanks so much. — Alli B. (posted on October 29, 2001)
October 30, 2001
Alli, unfortunately I can't "help" but I can tell you that you're
not alone. I'm feeling it too! I had my surgery on 10/12 (almost 3 weeks
ago) and I know what you're feeling. The only difference is that mine is
on my left side from my perspective. It's a severe burning that causes me
to tense up and now on top of it, my BACK is hurting tremendously!! I just
can't win! Then the surgeon prescribed pain meds that are SO HARD to find,
so I've been without pain meds since surgery!!! I don't know if the pain
meds are going to work or not, but thank goodness I finally talked the
hospital pharmacy into filling the prescription for me. So I'm going to
get the prescription filled after work and try that out. It's for liquid
percocet. If you get any information or have any other questions, please
feel free to email me!! Thanks!! And I hope we both feel better soon!!!
— emibaby
November 2, 2001
At 17 months post-op, that burning sensation is one that stays so vividly
in my mind. For me, it was the lower right quadrant, and it would kick in
horrendously every time I stood up from a sitting position, or even if I
sat for too long. I remember holding my hand over the area trying to
somehow make it stop!! My doctor also opined that it was part of the
natural healing process. Mine started in at abot 2 weeks, and continued
unabated for about 2-3 weeks,then it started tapering off. It was gone
completely by about 6 weeks, and now it's just a fond memory... -Kate-
— kateseidel
January 30, 2003
As a 4 wk "postie " I had burning pains early on too. My pain
came from trying to get up from lying down, turning on my side to sit up in
bed ,bending down to pick up things that I dropped . Godbless my husband he
helped me get up and get around at first because I just couldn't move alone
!I'm no expert but I think it's just a part of the healing process .
— cinnamongirl
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