How does the weight loss effect fibro myalgia. Does it decrease the pain.

   — Terri B. (posted on October 29, 2001)

October 29, 2001
Most of the symptoms of my fibromyalgia were gone within 2 months of my WLS, and I no longer needed any anti-inflammatory or pain medication after that time. I am now 19 months post-op, and occasionally experience some mild muscle/joint discomfort after being at the gym or walking for long distances but it doesn't begin to compare with the pain that I had for over 5 years prior to the WLS. I can't guarantee the same results for you, but I literally feel "reborn" since the surgery. I was even waiting on a total knee replacement which subsequently is no longer even an issue :-) Good luck!
   — Diana T.

October 29, 2001
I still have some discomfort from the fibromyalgia, but nothing like it was before. I don't take the medication at bedtime anymore and take the anti-inflamatories only every now and then and that's mostly for my arthritis not the fibro. I don't wake up with the extreme fatigue that I used to have either. I would say my symptoms are 90% improved.
   — georgiacarol

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