I'm about 3 wks post op and have had my first bout with severe constipation.

I must admit a couple of days, I've had trouble getting my liquids in. I have no appetite and I feel full all the time. (I had open RNY). I've take Milk of Magnesia and Correctol for the past two days but nothing seems to help. I've pushed until I'm blue. My question is, does it just take time to clear up? I am setting a clock every hour today to make sure I get ALL of my liquids in and I'm walking. I'm on a soft diet and will avoid cheese for a couple of days. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Please tell me this is normal! Thanks to everyone on this board.    — Teresa H. (posted on October 28, 2001)

October 28, 2001
Hi, Your post sounds like me.I had such a terrible time with constipation and I'm also almost 3weeks post-op. I tried the water,thinking I didn't get enough fluids and still nothing. I remembered when I had my gallbladder surgery and had the same problem,and my doctor said use suppositories,they seem to help so there isn't all the straining to push and you wont do any damage to your incisions.So I used them and Thank Goodness within an hour I had relief. I felt much better and haven't had a problem since. Water is very important and I take in as much as I can so continue the water,but try the suppositories they work.
   — Connie Z.

October 28, 2001
Hi Teresa, I too when I was around three weeks had terrible bouts with constipation, it was horrible. I did everything, drank water, took whatever I could, nothing worked. So I resorted to having an enema, at home of course, and it cleared everything up. Not everyone would agree with me on this, but I was desperate, and the thought of all the waste building up inside me made me sick, so I did it, and haven't had a problem since. I do have to say that enemas are not an answer to correcting constipation all the time, and if you did attempt do to this and it still was a problem, I would contact your doctor.
   — Carey N.

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