Lengths of proximal and distal? I don't want to be stuck needing a revision later on

Is the rule of thumb, the longer the better? I've also read that the longer the bypass, the greater the chance of malabsorbing vitamins. I've also heard that some people with a proximal RYN have to have a revision to distal RNY because they are not losing enough weight. Is the correct? Please help me out with information on this topic. Many thanks in advance to all. And no "my bypass is longer than your bypass" envy baiting, please. LOL    — Carmen K. (posted on October 26, 2001)

October 26, 2001
Hi, Carmen - I am post op RNY w/150 cm bypassed - medial? Anyway, 12 wks post op and -70lbs with no complications!
   — Jean K.

October 26, 2001
I don't know about revisions....but I had a proximal RNY May 29th and am down 74#s at 5 months....I am really happy with the results....I still need to loose another 90#'s but I also know that this is tool and I have to help it along!! Good Luck!
   — chance2lv

October 26, 2001
My doc did a proximal, bypassing 70 cm which equals about 2 & 1/3 feet of intestines. I give the formula for converting it from cm to inches, so you can have a "real" idea of how much each is, on my webpage, along with all the other useful WLS info I've added, at Hope this helps !! Good luck to you -
   — Lisa D.

October 27, 2001
I think Barb Day has said a number of times that she had 16 inches bypassed. She is one of the great success stories and inspirations on this board. Check out her profile for some info. Mine was 100cm. I am happy.
   — blank first name B.

October 29, 2001
Many thanks for all the responses so far. I am trying to find statistics on WLS results 5 years after the fact and whether the patient had proximal, medial, or distal RNY. I fully understand how we will all be giddy with success during the first two years after surgery. Who can blame us? You'll hear me yelling HURRAY in all 50 states when my time comes. I want the best success possible and I've been reading lots of stats on this site that swing from one end to the other on 5 year results. It would be great to get some numbers with their sources. Best of luck to all those on their journey to health.
   — Carmen K.

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