Any idea what this burning pain is?

I am having a searing, burning pain to the right of my incision. I am 4 months post-op and have not had any complications to date. This first started a month ago. My dr. wrote it off to a pulled muscle. Well it is back w/a vengenace. I notice it more after lunchtime and it lasts till evening time. If I stretch, twist, cough, sneeze or anything it just really hurts. Any suggestions on what is going on here? I have not done anything to pull any muscles this time. I am worried and want some insite before I call my dr. Thanks for your help!    — Keri N. (posted on October 24, 2001)

October 24, 2001
I know this is not what anyone wants to her (been there done this) but, have you been checked for gall stones?
   — Cathy B.

October 24, 2001
Maybe it is the start of an ulcer.The searing pain can present like this when there is a ulcer present.:(
   — Carol F.

October 25, 2001
Hello (Sweetie), I have the same symptoms and mine unfortunately ended up being a hernia......but by no means saying that is what yours is.....I like the others suggest you seeing your surgeon...He would be the best advisor here. I am 5 months out and found out mine was a hernia when I was 3 1/2 to 4 months post.......When I move, pick up things and do alot of cleaning it really burns and hurts bad.....Surgeon is keeping an eye on it...He doesn't want to do surgery on me right now so soon after surgery..and may I say I don't relish the idea either.....But I also had these same symptoms when I had gallstones 2 years ago....which I had it removed then....Go see your surgeon so you want have to do alot of needless worring....I know I was a wreck until I found out what my problem was....I wasn't happy with the results but I don't have to worry about it being something even worse......Being so new outta surgery worrying is not good for us....Have it checked out. Take care and I wish you the best!!!! ((((HUGS))))
   — Cindi V.

October 25, 2001
I could have written your post! About an hour ago, I called my surgeon. This burning pain has been intermittent for two weeks now. At first I thought maybe my iron supplement was not agreeing with me. I do not feel a hernia there. Ulcer? Maybe. Sometimes, after I eat it goes away. Sometimes at the onset, I was not doing anything at all. Sometimes it is VERY severe. I have to go in tomorrow. I am also four months out. Any more ideas? Thanks.
   — Barbara B.

July 17, 2002
Three days after my surgery and lots of coughing and sneezing from allergies, I got this horrible pain on the left side of my stomach near the cut for the camera. It hurt like hell no matter if I were still, moving, standing or sitting. I thought I had busted something or created a hernia or popped every staple in my body. It was a very intense stabbing, burning pain. I held my stomach for a few hours (yeah, I phoned the doc!) and then the pain came up only if I moved a certain way. I still have it from time to time. My surgeon said that I had 'irritated my diaphragm and there was no need to come in unless a fever developed.' Irritated my Aunt Fanny! That was one seriously pissed off diaphragm! LOL
   — Carmen K.

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