I am afraid something is stuck, what should I do?

   — Gina L. (posted on October 20, 2001)

October 20, 2001
Don't eat or drink anything! Just try to relax and in 10-20 minutes the pressure should ease. You cannot drink water to "wash it down" it will just hurt more. If the pressure does not ease within an hour, I would go ahead and call your doctor.
   — Andrea P.

October 20, 2001
i forget how much, but go to daryl davidsons page and it will tell you to mix adolphs meat tenderizer (like a 1/2 teaspoon or something) in warm water and drink it it disolves what is "stuck" but this isnt something you sould do all the time i'm sure. Just be careful!!! And if it was ME i'd call my surgeons office if it wasnt dis lodged in the morning.
   — Jackiis

October 20, 2001
My Doctor said if something gets stuck to drink a VERY small amount of diet pop with the carbonation and the fizz will often times dislodge whatever is stuck. I have not had anything get stuck so I have not tried this to see if it works. Hope you get some relief.
   — Laurie L.

October 20, 2001
Do NOT NOT NOT drink ANYthing with carbonation in it!!!! THAT is what has stretched some WLSers stomach!!! It bloats your stomach without WLS surgery, just think what it will do if you drink it now. Cut stuff up and chew food to mush.
   — [Anonymous]

October 20, 2001
I would like to see a good explanation of how carbonation can stretch a pouch. So far I have not seen one. If a person drinks carbonation and there is fizz.... it's going to either come up as a burp or go into your intestines and give you gas. It is a liquid that will pass out of your stomach. There are 2 openings, up and down, how could carbonation possibly stretch it? It makes no sense to me.
   — Laurie L.

October 20, 2001
Laurie, maybe you need to talk to your doctor about the carbonation stretching your pouch. Everyone I have ever talked to, including my own physician, have said NOT to drink anything with carbonation for atleast a year. Drinking it flat is ok, but carbonation does and will stretch your pouch.I think, even if I was skeptical, I wouldn't take the chance after going thru this surgery. I will focus on getting my all important water in.
   — [Anonymous]

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