Why can't straws be used post op? When can we drink diet soda?

I was never told not to use a straw post op. I did use straws until I read on this site not to. What is the reason? Also, when and if can we drink diet soda?    — Gina L. (posted on October 12, 2001)

October 12, 2001
Dear Gina, I used a straw post op, they even gave me one in the hospital. Im 4 months post op and had no problem, I just take it slow. As far as soda, or pop goes, well I made myself a promise that , that is the ONE thing I would give up because its just not good for you. Not to mention all the sugar. My surgeon said I could drink Diet pop flat if I wanted, but why add the extra calories for a pop. I have found so much more to drink and am happy. Good Luck!
   — Ann A.

October 12, 2001
My surgeon said that you don't want to use a straw as you can suck in air as you are drinking which can give you gas. I also asked about diet soda which we are allowed to drink. A little at first and add it as can be tolerated. I asked about the stretching of the pouch - he said that is a falacy.
   — Elizabeth A.

October 12, 2001
I have used a straw forever. I am a very messy drinker and will "wear" it if I don't use a straw. As far as soda, I am 7 months post op. I didn't even try a diet coke until 2 weeks ago. The gas pains were unbelievable. I probably won't try it again. Good luck to you.
   — Dorothy T.

October 12, 2001
I was told straws were OK but at first when you are trying to drink/sip 2-3oz it is hard to measure through a straw. (That was the dietitions remark) I soon figured out how to measure for myself and I have no extra "air" to worry about.
   — Debbie H.

October 12, 2001
Using straws can give you GAS. My dr. told us we will NEVER-EVER be able to drink ANY thing that is carbonated because it gets in your pouch and blows up and stretches your stomach out. I didn't believe it until I met a young lady at one of the support meetings that had a revision and she said the reason she had to have it was she started drinking Cokes and it stretched her stomach out. Think about it ... do you want to take that chance? Try drinking the sugar free Crystal Light.
   — [Anonymous]

October 15, 2001
My surgeon told me the exact opposite. I had trouble getting in all my water after my rny and he suggested that I sip my liquids through a straw. It seemed to work. I got less air than when I drank and I was able to drink more water because I wasn't filling up with air.
   — [Anonymous]

October 18, 2001
I have been drinking soda since my second week out,just let it sit for a while with lots of ice,never drink it out of the can pour it on a glass.That idea of the pouch stretching is not true, you will need over 3 gallons of coke to cause damage... my doctor says that is a lie.Enjoy your diet soda don't worry about a thing.
   — Monica J.

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