Recent physical health problems with new job duties, what should I do?

I have just had a job reassignment where I am sitting for extended hours and at times being required to leave abruptly and perhaps walk 1/4 mile constantly standing. At times I also have to unexpectantly carry several 10-15 lb. charts. I have CFS,arthritis, asthma, GERD and BMI is increasing 45+, what should I do. I feel that my energy is slipping away. I have been at this new job post three months and have used six leave or left sick about 6 times. I am afraid that my job performance will be rated below acceptable. I want to work, and I want WLS, but I have been in the preapproval stage for 6 mos. and don't see an end. Please give feedback.    — A V. (posted on October 4, 2001)

October 4, 2001
Depending on what kind of relationship you have with your boss, it might help just to sit down with your boss and explain that you need to have surgery to prolong your life and make you a better employee. As for the preapproval stage, I would get on the phone and not give up until you have answers. I hope everything works out for you! :-)
   — Jennifer H.

October 5, 2001
Hi! I feel for you. I was caught in pre-approval hell also. I finally figured out that it wasn't the insurance company, it was my Primary Physicians office as I had an HMO and they were actually the ones that were to approve or disaprove the surgery...After several months(8) of being polite, I lost it and got mad...After my PCP group denying me 2 times and working on a 3d, funny thing is that when I raised HE__ with them I was approved within 2 hours. It literally took me going into my Dr office and requesting copies of all of my records, paying $25. for them. I INSISTED on waiting for them.When the receptionist asked what I needed them for, I told her that I was faxing them and a cover letter to ever news media nationwide that I could get a fax number for and that I would embarrass the medical group into approving my surgery(OF WHICH I MET ALL CRITERIA THAT THEY REQUIRED)..Again, less than 2 hours later my surgeons office called me laughing and said that somehow (they didn't know how :)) I was APPROVED..I am now 7 weeks post op and down 58#...DON'T GIVE UP AND DON'T BE AFRAID TO SCREAM !!!! THERE ARE SOME CIRCUMSTANCES THAT SCREAMING IS THE ONLY THING THAT GETS THEIR ATTENTION!!! SOMETIMES BEING NICE DOESN'T GET YOU ANYWHERE EXCEPT DEPRESSED...GOOD LUCK !!!!! :)
   — Joi G.

October 5, 2001
I can certainly sympathize with you. I used all my sick time for this year before my surgery (between getting sick constantly, back problems, migraines and a whole host of other things). When I went out for surgery I had no sick time to use at all. However, when I started the process, the first thing I did was sit down with my boss and explain how all my health problems were related to my weight and why I so badly needed to do this. Fortunately, it did not cause problems at my job. I'm now 11 weeks post op, down 68 pounds and feeling great. I sleep much better at night, which means I'm much more alert during the day. My back hurts less, I haven't had a sinus infection since before my surgery, and only one migraine. I have lost minimal time since I've been back to work and other than for follow up appointments with the surgeon, don't expect to use any sick time.
   — Dee P.

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