Anyone had a lot of Ketones in their urine 9 months out?

I went to a doc in the box yesterday (mine was on vacation) and had to pee in a cup. She came in and said that I had so many ketones in my pee it was off the charts... is that really bad? I know after surgery we go into ketosis because we eat so little but I am 9+ months out. Should I be worried?? I have a call into my surgeon but wanted to know if any of you had imput. Thanks! Erika 247/157.5/140    — Splenderella (posted on August 19, 2005)

August 19, 2005
Erika, Erika here! ROFL! No girl this is perfectly normal. This is what you want early on. If you have ketones then it means you are in Ketosis and burning fat. This is very normal for us early on due to all the protein intake and fat burning. Now with that being said MAKE SURE you are getting in enough water. Ketosis is very hard on the liver so be sure to get a minimum of 64 oz a day. Hope this helps some darlin and congratulations on your loss to date! Hugs...Erika
   — Egyptianeyesdiva

August 20, 2005
Hi, My understanding of ketosis is that it is not dangerous unless you are diabetic. Ketosis happens when your body is burning fat instead of glucose for energy. If you are on a low carbohydrate diet and are using fat for energy because your carbohydrate/glucose intake is minimal, then it is most likely not dangerous. On the other hand, if you are eating carbohydrates and in ketosis it can be very dangerous. If your body has a supply of glucose (from the carbs you are eating) but is burning body fat instead, your blood sugar will get really high which can be really harmful to the body (eventually leading to coma and death). Should you be worried? It depends. Was the "doc in a box" worried? Did she do other lab work? I am hoping that they at least did a finger prick test to test your blood sugar... that is a fast, easy way to see if your blood sugar is out of whack. This website has some very basic info about high blood sugar: Ultimately, I think it is a good idea that you have called your surgeon. You might want to follow up with your regular doc when he/she is back in town as well. Best wishes, Sid
   — mrsidknee

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