Please describe your iron IV experience

What is the name of the iron you get? Frequency? Dose? How long does it take to infuse? What type of facility takes care of your IV treatment(hospital, doc's office,etc)? Do you have to pay, does insurance cover it, what is the cost? What was your starting ferratin number? subsequent numbers after iron doses? What ferratin number was/is your doctor trying to reach with your treatments? My starting ferratin was 1 in 9/04. Rec'd Venofer, 250 mls over 2 hours, 3 times in 2 weeks, Oct/04. Blood work in Jan/05 was still 1 for ferratin. More Venofer same dose and frequency in Feb/05. Blood work in April/05 was up to 7 for ferratin. More Venofer same dose and frequency April/05. In 7 months I've had 9 treatments of 250 ml Venofer that brought my ferratin from a 1 to a 7. Next round of 3 250 ml treatments is scheduled for first 2 weeks of June/05. This seems to be taking a very long time. Any comments?

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