Is liver failure a common problem for wls patients?

I was looking around on the net and found that just as there are sooooo many sites that support wls there are just as many that don't. I found a site that was made of people that had wls some years ago and for one reason or another are unsatisfied with the results. Many of them are having liver problems, colon problems, alot of stomach cancer and many other serious health problems. I know that the co morbs from obesity are just as bad but is it worth trading off one set of problems for a whole new set? If anybody out there is really long term post op please let me know how you feel about this. I am waiting of isurance approval right now and at this point I am still going through with the surgery but I am curious as to what the long term complications can be some years down the road. Thank you for any info that you all can provide.

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