I am seeking Tricare patients with the same BMI or lower and no comorbidites

I am now gearing up to possibly fight a denial and this site has been so helpful so far. I need to find Tricare patients with a BMI of 42 or lower with no comorbidities that are listed in Tricare's handbook. These are diabetes mellitus,hypertension,cholecystitis,narcolepsy,Pickwickian syndrome(and other severe respiratory disease),hypothalamic disorders and severe arthritis of the weight bearing joints.My authorization is being held up because although I am 100% over my ideal body weight my co morbidites are not in this list. I have GERD, high cholesterol, migraines and joint pain associated with the obesity(per PCM's referal letter). Thank you in advance for all your help. I am looking to print this all out to be sent along with my appeal if it comes to that if not I will add it to my history of dealings with Tricare and WPA. Thank you again.

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