Do other African American women find that friends and family expect them to stop

Do other African American women find that friends and family expect them to stop losing weight at a much higher point than others on this sight. I started at 310 and am now around 220. First off no one believes that I could have ever weighed 310 ((You just didn't look that big!)(Well my knees certainly felt it)). Secondly, at 220, I am physically much smaller than I was on my way up. I can tell because I have some clothes that I had ten years ago when I weighed 220 and they are much looser than they were back then. Thirdly, some people in my family or inner circle of friends who would be considered overweight, are healthy and have the curves and softness that are culturally expected. My Asian American, female, PCP doctor who may weigh 110 at 5'3 even stated that after twenty-five more pounds and she would like to see me stop losing weight. I must admit that if I got a midline abdominoplasty and breast lift/reduction at this point, I would be perfectly happy with my size. My blood pressure is under control and so is my asthma. I really feel great. I started this journey thinking that at 150 I would be healthy and look great. As I get closer to 200. I am wondering what the heck I would look like at 150 and how exactly would I feel. May God Bless Us All! Every One.

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