A question on the effect of the media for the MO..
Hello family. Some of you may remember that last spring I came to you with a question about how being MO has affected your life for a speech I wrote for one of my classes, which I posted on my profile for you all to read. <p> Now, I come to you with another question for a presentation I am doing for a class in Mass Media & Society. The topic is how the media affects MO. Positively/negetively. <p> How do you all feel when you see super skinny models on magazines, billboards, movies, videos, tv shows, etc. Skinny women joking on television that oops, they 'forgot to eat today, but that's ok, I had 3 pieces of popcorn for dinner the night before and have to work it off' type of thing. <p> Does it outrage you that there are no shows that portray a strong obese woman in a staring role in any medium? And as a result, is it of your opinion that the media only hinders and hurts the chances that the MO will finally be accepted and not discriminated against. <p> Were you perhaps ever in your life persuaded to have an alternate view on your apperance (how you 'should' look) and that perhaps led to a depression, or a drastic move on your part, such as annorexia/bulimia? <p> I would love to hear what you all have to say, and perhaps even use a story or instance if I may in my presentation. You needn't answer all those question, one is just fine. If you are uncomfortable posting a reply on this forum, you may email me at: [email protected] <p> It is my intention of this presentation, and my career path at that, to open the eyes of society that mass media affects us in every thing we do, say and even think. I am of the position that we need to change the media's stereotypes of everyone, especially the MO. I really hope you all are willing to give me as much feedback as you wish. Thank you all so much, Annie :)
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