Bowel Movement AFTER surgery

This is very graffic; but I need to know. I had RNY on last week. on Sunday when I got home, I thought I had to pass gas, but found this sticky dark red 'stuff' (looked black, but after cleaning, found it to be very dark red); almost like a baby's first poop. I figured it was 'left over' stuff from my intestine or something so i didn't panic. WELL, this morning the same thing..but i actually felt the sensation to go to the rest room and this is what came out. I am still on a relatively light diet...broth, pudding, soup, popcycles..i just dont' feel the urge to move to the next step yet...but anyway, about the bowel movement outcome, is this normal? I was going to call the surgeon....but i'd prefer to wait it out cause aside from that, IT'S BEEN A GREAT RIDE POST OP....NO PROBLEMS OR PAIN

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