Did you spouse remain attracted to you after you lost weight?

I read so much about how people's spouses become so much more attracted to you as you lose weight, and for a number of reasons: 1-You are happier and more confident and therefore sexier! 2-You just look better 3-You're more likely to ALLOW your spouse to be attracted to you (more daring, more open, etc.) And I know there are infinite more reasons. But my questions is on the flip side. Has anyone's spouse become LESS attracted to you as you lost weight? If so, has there been a reason? I worry so much, b/c my hubby has always been attracted to me but has only known me heavy. What if that is part of what makes him attracted to me? And he has 8 more months in Iraq (he's in the Army) and I have a tentative surgery date for Sept. 18th-therefore he'll never again see me as big as I am now. I don't want him to come home after an 18-month deployment (ONLY 8 MORE MONTHS! YEA!) and...I dunno...reject me. And I'd really like to hear from those of you who have experienced this. Thanks!

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