Goodbye Insurance.... Hello Drawingboard :(
Well, I've read plenty of stories of the untimely end of medical coverage, and now it's happening to me. I was covered under my father's Cigna International PPO insurance, but he is quiting his job so he can work where he wants to. He told me he won't be covered in a few months and I had planned on trying to get surgery over the summer (that is the only time I can really). I haven't even gotten all of my information together for the surgeon yet (just got the psych eval left), so the ball didn't even get rolling. I am covered by my stepdad's insurance, currently AVMED, soon to be BC/BS of Florida (don't know which kind). The doctor I am looking at is in California though so I was figuring Cigna International would make things easier. Does anyone have any suggestions? I heard something on this website about people being able to pay to keep their insurance after losing their job by paying the company directly. What's that about? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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