4 Days Until Surgery - Down another 1.4 lbs

Nov 12, 2016

Down another 1.4 lbs (lost in the past couple of days). I weighed this morning before doing the elliptical for an hour:

I am pretty excited because I got my FitBit Alta yesterday! It seems to be a nice little motivator tool. I am looking forward to wearing it whenever I can:

My new FitBit Alta :D

The only problem I have had with it so far is when I am on the elliptical it barely counts my steps so I found a hack for it hah! I wrap it around my ankle and put my sock over it to keep it in place. It accurately counts my steps then! I would watch my steps as they were being correctly counted on my phone in the fitbit app.

Also, while working out I THINK I figured out what I want to go and do this spring once I am close to my goal weight. I want to go spend a day in Gatlinburg with my family. There is so much to do there and I want to ride go karts so bad lol. I did about 10 years ago when I weighed about 230 (which isn't far from where I am now) but I would much rather do it when I am smaller. 

It is 4 more days until my surgery. It seems very surreal. I wish I could get down in the 230s before my surgery. We shall see I guess :)


Getting more excited each day. 7 More days!

Nov 09, 2016

I am down even more since yesterday! Yesterday I weighed in at 250, this morning I was 247.8!

I know I shouldn't weigh every day and I wasn't even going to weigh this morning but did anyway lol. I think I may weigh again sometime this weekend. Hopefully, I can hold out.

Yesterday though I felt really DONE eating the bariatric offices food. That's what I have been eating since I started my pre-op diet. I am thankful I am not on liquids only for 2 or 3 weeks. Every night I have eaten their pasta and while it is decent and tolerable, I just couldn't do it last night. I am just feeling done right now eating the same thing every single day. 

So instead of eating that last night I had two premier protein shakes with chocolate PB2 mixed in. I put it all in my blender bottle and shook it up real good and let it get thicker in the freezer for about an hour. It was so good and very filling. It was nice to eat something other than fake pasta. LOL


Hit my first pre-op mini goal! :D

Nov 08, 2016

Made my first pre-op goal this morning as I had hoped. 10 lbs lost so far in a week! I am pretty excited! I hope this coming week I am just as successful.


I also had an oncologist appointment today because my WBC count has been high on and off since 2011. I am just now finding this out. It wasn't on the super high side but just a little above normal. The NP said that most likely it is just from being overweight or allergy issues (I am very sensitive to dust, smoke, etc). She said she thinks it is very unlikely that it is anything actually cancer-related so I am of course happy to hear that. I figured that would be the case because I feel pretty healthy other than just being overweight.

I was worried maybe they would cancel my surgery over it but they told me last week it looked like my WBC was dropping (I had labs done last week too) and I just forwarded them my report from today where my WBC count was back in the normal range. SOOOO so far my surgery still on for 11-16-16.

Also, today I ordered a Fitbit Alta! I am excited about that too. They told us at our diet class we needed to get a medical id bracelet or necklace. I honestly hate wearing things on my wrists but I figured if I was going to get something I may as well get something that does more than just sit there. SO I got the FitBit Alta and a medical ID tag that snaps onto it from roadid.com.

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This waiting is so hard!

Nov 06, 2016

I am currently 10 days away from my surgery. So far since last Monday I have lost 8.8 lbs so I am hoping I can make it 10 by tomorrow morning or Tuesday morning. I am going to start taking pics of the scale as my numbers go down. I wish I would have taken a photo a week ago when it said 260.

This was this morning:

I have been pretty busy lately which has been nice to keep my mind off everything. This waiting is very hard, though. I just want it over with and done. I am tired of thinking about the surgery and other things concerning it. I just want to be "okay" and on the other side. :(

I have three kids and our oldest is a very sensitive and caring child and so he is worried about me having the surgery which is hard to deal with.

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Down 5 lbs so far!

Nov 03, 2016

I weighed myself today and I have lost 5 lbs so far on this 800 calorie diet. So that's nice haha! I would love to be down to at least 240 before my surgery. My stomach is growling so much, though.

Tomorrow I am taking the girls to Disney on Ice for my daughter's pre-k field trip and I will probably be stopping at a Sonic or McDonalds on our way there to get them something to eat. I guess I am going to have to bring protein bars or something with me.... and maybe a protein shake to get me through until I get home.


Starting weight photos

Nov 01, 2016

So here is my starting weight photo. I almost hate even sharing this but I know we are all starting somewhere. These are just SO unflattering lol. 

I am in my swimsuit as I started a new water aerobics class today. I am pretty excited about that. I absolutely love swimming and since summer passed I actually got depressed over not being able to swim anymore due to the pools being closed. I found an indoor pool and someone who teaches water aerobics classes. I do one hour on the elliptical every other day so doing this on some days is a great way to break up my time on the elliptical. I love the elliptical but I also don't want it to become monotonous.

Right now I am on my 800 calorie pre-op diet and doing alright so far. Yesterday was Halloween so I did cheat a little but I have 15 days til surgery so I don't think a day of eating a few slices of pizza will hurt that much. I am doing well with exercising and sticking to the diet. I am starting to get excited about my surgery. I wish it was just over with, though. I am ready to be done with the slight worrying I am doing.


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Oct 25, 2016
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Not the most flattering picture at all. Ugh. Gotta start somewhere right?
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