WLS Success-through Powerful Positive Attitudes
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I am a Bariatric patient/professional, an Obesity Help Support Group Leader and Certified Life Coach. I consider myself to be one of the biggest advocates for obesity in my community. My goal is to educate the public on obesity as a disease and give back to the bariatric community through my personal experiences and life coaching.
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Katie Jay, MSW
Let your adult self take charge.
Who are you going to bring with you as you move from holiday event to holiday event in the coming months? Are you going to bring the little child inside who hates being deprived? Or, are you bringing with you the satisfied and goal-oriented adult who will take care of your true needs?
When your inner child is in charge, you are more at risk for making unhealthy choices. The inner child may be rebellious, choosing to eat the things that are "forbidden." Your inner adult is better at delaying gratification and thinking through the consequences of a choice. When you are going into a challenging situation, your adult self will be your best friend. That part of you will say, "no," and will guide you onto an exciting new path of success.
Action for the day: Pay attention to the voices inside your head that help you make choices as you go through your day. Identify your inner child's influence, acknowledge it, and then gently allow your inner adult to have the final say.
Eat at least three meals a day.
It's surprising how many weight loss surgery patients skip meals, thinking they are doing themselves a favor. But, skipping meals can actually lead to weight gain. (Did you know sumo wrestlers are told to skip breakfast to help them gain weight?) Skipping a meal can also lead to excessive hunger and poor food choices later on, which leads to overeating. Action for the day: Eat three meals today, and have a protein-based snack if you are going to go more than five hours without food. © 2007, National Association for Weight Loss Surgery. All rights reserved. Daily Inspirations are provided by the National Association for Weight Loss Surgery. Get our free report, How to Regain-Proof Your Weight Loss Surgery at www.nawls.com.

Hi JB,
My surgery was like two weeks before yours - and I experienced like a 3 week stall. Seems like all of October I could not get past 235-234! Then all of a sudden I dropped 5. Now I am 228. I still think I need to cut back on carbs - but plateaus are normal as our bodies are trying to protect us!
I love going through my closet and tossing all the size 22's, 20's, 18's and soon the 16's will be going out the door. Makes me feel organized!
I love looking at myself sideways in a mirror - boy my stomach looks alot flatter! woohoo
Crossing my legs is easier.
I like not being able to binge eat - cause if I do I will puke my guts out.
I like leaving food on my plate or throwing food away. I like knowing "i dont want anymore".
At least those are a start! I just made 14 weeks and hope I keep losing. :)
It isn't easy getting back on track...
It can be done and you are the proof it can be done!
THANKS for sharing all your positive info and being so encouraging to all of us...
just think...
you are almost to the half way point...
you can do this!!!