WLS Success-through Powerful Positive Attitudes
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Topic: RE: NEW MEMBERS! Help Introduce Yourself!
Hi Yvonne,
I have joined one other support group, BOTT, but really haven't gotten a chance to read up on it lately.
I'm at my wits end again and am really needing some help. I am on a crazy diet right now called, HCG. Kevin Trudeau brought it to the mainstream with his book, which I can't remember the name of it right now. But I again am looking for a quick solution to my weight problem. This past Saturday was a bad day as I was extremely depressed and sadened by my lack of ability to lose this weight for good. I cried all day long and was just in despair.
I just don' t know if I will be able to lose this weight or not. It's my never ending battle.
I have joined one other support group, BOTT, but really haven't gotten a chance to read up on it lately.
I'm at my wits end again and am really needing some help. I am on a crazy diet right now called, HCG. Kevin Trudeau brought it to the mainstream with his book, which I can't remember the name of it right now. But I again am looking for a quick solution to my weight problem. This past Saturday was a bad day as I was extremely depressed and sadened by my lack of ability to lose this weight for good. I cried all day long and was just in despair.
I just don' t know if I will be able to lose this weight or not. It's my never ending battle.
Topic: RE: New pics and some other happy news!
Rit ROO! (That is a cyber whistle! LOL!)-
Don't you look absolutely gorgeous!? Seriously-what a wonderful look. You look healthy, happy and SLEEK!!
Way to go and mega congrats!
Don't you look absolutely gorgeous!? Seriously-what a wonderful look. You look healthy, happy and SLEEK!!
Way to go and mega congrats!
Topic: RE: I feel like Goldilocks... because I finally went shopping for a few things...
LOL! Congrats and isn't it WONDERFUL!? And SCARY! LOL!
I remember this a couple of years ago. I was in one of those women's clothing stores where they have plus size on the right hand side and "regular" sizes on the left. I had frequented that shop before surgery-because they carried a few 32plus sizes.
I had lost over 150 lbs at that time I was walking the plus size of the store. I was sort of glaze eyed grabbing clothes and wandering. A lady came up to me-she recognized me-sorta. She said "Hey honey! Wait-didn't you used to be much larger"? I said "Um yeah I did! But now- I am honestly not sure of my size".
She laughed and grabbed the clothes from my arms and put them on the counter and then came back and took my hand and walked me to the regular size department! LOL! I felt like I did when I was a little girl going from little girl school to big girl school! I got teary eyed.
She said "Silly girl-this is where you need to shop now!"
I remember this a couple of years ago. I was in one of those women's clothing stores where they have plus size on the right hand side and "regular" sizes on the left. I had frequented that shop before surgery-because they carried a few 32plus sizes.
I had lost over 150 lbs at that time I was walking the plus size of the store. I was sort of glaze eyed grabbing clothes and wandering. A lady came up to me-she recognized me-sorta. She said "Hey honey! Wait-didn't you used to be much larger"? I said "Um yeah I did! But now- I am honestly not sure of my size".
She laughed and grabbed the clothes from my arms and put them on the counter and then came back and took my hand and walked me to the regular size department! LOL! I felt like I did when I was a little girl going from little girl school to big girl school! I got teary eyed.
She said "Silly girl-this is where you need to shop now!"
Topic: RE: What do you do to stop the "negative"
Hey you!
First-what the other ladies say is true about situation depression causing a chemical reaction. Been there and meds did help and I didn't stay on them very long-but enough to get things into sync again.
The other thing that admittedly is the LAST thing I like to hear when I am feeling like crap is the following "Changing your actions will Change your mind". It is true.
It is NOT possible to be walking around the block and feel EXACTLY the same as you do whilst you are paralyzed with fear on the couch. It is NOT possible to keep the same old thoughts when you put a new song on the radio or cd player.
This is one of the reasons that little ones rarely get seriously depressed. Everything is NEW. Your mind needs room to entertain new and interesting things-and when you feed those things to your brain-it takes back some of the depressed real-estate. If that makes any sense.
I am not sure what might be "new and interesting" for you right now. But it is worth a look. Remember-this will feel like the LAST thing you WANT to do though! That is the sneaky way of depression and stress.
PS-I have started making my own cards and doing a latch hook rug! LOLOL! It's DARK and COLD here this winter and I still often feel insecure being "new" to this country. So I decided to jog my brain chemistry and give it some things to play with. Oh and I got it some clay to play with too!!
First-what the other ladies say is true about situation depression causing a chemical reaction. Been there and meds did help and I didn't stay on them very long-but enough to get things into sync again.
The other thing that admittedly is the LAST thing I like to hear when I am feeling like crap is the following "Changing your actions will Change your mind". It is true.
It is NOT possible to be walking around the block and feel EXACTLY the same as you do whilst you are paralyzed with fear on the couch. It is NOT possible to keep the same old thoughts when you put a new song on the radio or cd player.
This is one of the reasons that little ones rarely get seriously depressed. Everything is NEW. Your mind needs room to entertain new and interesting things-and when you feed those things to your brain-it takes back some of the depressed real-estate. If that makes any sense.
I am not sure what might be "new and interesting" for you right now. But it is worth a look. Remember-this will feel like the LAST thing you WANT to do though! That is the sneaky way of depression and stress.
PS-I have started making my own cards and doing a latch hook rug! LOLOL! It's DARK and COLD here this winter and I still often feel insecure being "new" to this country. So I decided to jog my brain chemistry and give it some things to play with. Oh and I got it some clay to play with too!!
Topic: RE: I'm gonna get flamed, cut up and spit out so help
Thanks for your kind words, Yvonne and for your positive and very helpful stance on these issues!!

Topic: RE: New kid here! Long!
Hey Traci!
Thanks SO much for your post! How much do I LOVE all this inspiration. Dang-I could just send for all you girls to come to England and have "Tea time" with me"-fabulous!! LOL!
Seriously-I think it will be folks like us that create the movement you speak of-where there is a bigger more holistic vision of what WLS really is and what it means before/during/after. People like us-we have suspected there is MUCH more to this than we have been told. :)
I think we have a large responsibility to pave the way best we can and be vocal if we can. This WLS thing is so very new in the scheme of things-and it's one of those things that really can only be built by those that have EXPERIENCED it!!
Thanks for all your time and information-it's worth everything!!
Thanks SO much for your post! How much do I LOVE all this inspiration. Dang-I could just send for all you girls to come to England and have "Tea time" with me"-fabulous!! LOL!
Seriously-I think it will be folks like us that create the movement you speak of-where there is a bigger more holistic vision of what WLS really is and what it means before/during/after. People like us-we have suspected there is MUCH more to this than we have been told. :)
I think we have a large responsibility to pave the way best we can and be vocal if we can. This WLS thing is so very new in the scheme of things-and it's one of those things that really can only be built by those that have EXPERIENCED it!!
Thanks for all your time and information-it's worth everything!!
Topic: RE: I feel like Goldilocks... because I finally went shopping for a few things...
I am jumping up and daown with you!!!!! I have had a few, very few, forays into the normal sized departments in the last 16 years but never a 10 or a 4-6.....You GO!!!!!!! as a matter of fact maybe you need to go to Vegas...you are on a winning streak!!!!!

Topic: RE: New kid here! Long!
Hi Yvonne,
Ooooh! See! There is always something that will jump out at us that we need to learn.
You said: "First we are socially the age we are post-op because we have no life experience in "normal people land" as an obese person. "
I never took a moment to consider this-and as I do-it makes a TON of sense to me. Of course!! What OTHER experience do I have? None! LOL!
Amazing the things that we cannot see sometimes.
I love what you wrote about no shame. EXACTLY. It IS OK to want to look good and I always try to call any body surgery I might have done "Reconstructive" because it IS. It isn't so I can be a model-it is so I can enjoy my body as well as enabling my body to stay healthy. We all know there are issues that go with excess skin-which can cause some problems.
I absolutely can understand and relate to your post! You are always straight on target! It takes one to know one..and I have to say I am grateful you can relate!!
Hugs to you!
Have a wonderful day
Ooooh! See! There is always something that will jump out at us that we need to learn.
You said: "First we are socially the age we are post-op because we have no life experience in "normal people land" as an obese person. "
I never took a moment to consider this-and as I do-it makes a TON of sense to me. Of course!! What OTHER experience do I have? None! LOL!
Amazing the things that we cannot see sometimes.
I love what you wrote about no shame. EXACTLY. It IS OK to want to look good and I always try to call any body surgery I might have done "Reconstructive" because it IS. It isn't so I can be a model-it is so I can enjoy my body as well as enabling my body to stay healthy. We all know there are issues that go with excess skin-which can cause some problems.
I absolutely can understand and relate to your post! You are always straight on target! It takes one to know one..and I have to say I am grateful you can relate!!
Hugs to you!
Have a wonderful day
Topic: RE: What do you do to stop the "negative"
I have to admit this is something I struggle with and it's not always easy to get out of the "funk" as I call it.
Here are a couple things I do:
I have a library full of different books related to Weight Loss Surgery, Positive affirmations etc.
Try Daily Inspirations by Katie Jay, Chicken soup for the working moms soul, find a website that has daily inspirations, positive affirmations etc. that you can easily access.
There are days I actually will sit and make a list of what I've accomplished and what I am thankful for which helps get me into the positive mood.
There are times I will put in my Ipod, play my favorite music and take a walk. The music is therapeutic to me and I always seem to find myself smiling because I'm doing something I enjoy, I'm getting my endorphins going and it just becomes uplifting and the positive energy mysteriously starts to pour out of me..
Tear apart the negative thoughts and figure a way to turn them 180degrees and make those positive thoughts!!
Take a few minutes and ask yourself "What is the real cause of the negative thoughts?"
As always, reach out to your support system and ask for help! Sometimes we just need a different perspective!
Hope this helps...
Here are a couple things I do:
I have a library full of different books related to Weight Loss Surgery, Positive affirmations etc.
Try Daily Inspirations by Katie Jay, Chicken soup for the working moms soul, find a website that has daily inspirations, positive affirmations etc. that you can easily access.
There are days I actually will sit and make a list of what I've accomplished and what I am thankful for which helps get me into the positive mood.
There are times I will put in my Ipod, play my favorite music and take a walk. The music is therapeutic to me and I always seem to find myself smiling because I'm doing something I enjoy, I'm getting my endorphins going and it just becomes uplifting and the positive energy mysteriously starts to pour out of me..
Tear apart the negative thoughts and figure a way to turn them 180degrees and make those positive thoughts!!
Take a few minutes and ask yourself "What is the real cause of the negative thoughts?"
As always, reach out to your support system and ask for help! Sometimes we just need a different perspective!
Hope this helps...
I am a Bariatric patient/professional, an Obesity Help Support Group Leader and Certified Life Coach. I consider myself to be one of the biggest advocates for obesity in my community. My goal is to educate the public on obesity as a disease and give back to the bariatric community through my personal experiences and life coaching.
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http://baribits.blogspot.com - Blog dedicated to weight loss patients!
I am a Bariatric patient/professional, an Obesity Help Support Group Leader and Certified Life Coach. I consider myself to be one of the biggest advocates for obesity in my community. My goal is to educate the public on obesity as a disease and give back to the bariatric community through my personal experiences and life coaching.
**Obesity Help Magazine Promotional offer.. Sign up for a 1-year subscription and receive a reduced rate of $15.95. Use code Baker11 at check out to receive your discount** Enjoy!!
[email protected] - Email
http://baribits.blogspot.com - Blog dedicated to weight loss patients!
Topic: RE: New pics and some other happy news!
WOW look at that beautiful smile! I think it ROCKS that you educated your doc and showed her how successful you are.. Kudos to you and congrats on how far you have come.. I also love that you have set another goal and are so positive about how far you have come and where you are headed next!!
What a great way to stay positive and recognize your accomplishments!
Keep it up.. :)
What a great way to stay positive and recognize your accomplishments!
Keep it up.. :)
I am a Bariatric patient/professional, an Obesity Help Support Group Leader and Certified Life Coach. I consider myself to be one of the biggest advocates for obesity in my community. My goal is to educate the public on obesity as a disease and give back to the bariatric community through my personal experiences and life coaching.
**Obesity Help Magazine Promotional offer.. Sign up for a 1-year subscription and receive a reduced rate of $15.95. Use code Baker11 at check out to receive your discount** Enjoy!!
[email protected] - Email
http://baribits.blogspot.com - Blog dedicated to weight loss patients!
I am a Bariatric patient/professional, an Obesity Help Support Group Leader and Certified Life Coach. I consider myself to be one of the biggest advocates for obesity in my community. My goal is to educate the public on obesity as a disease and give back to the bariatric community through my personal experiences and life coaching.
**Obesity Help Magazine Promotional offer.. Sign up for a 1-year subscription and receive a reduced rate of $15.95. Use code Baker11 at check out to receive your discount** Enjoy!!
[email protected] - Email
http://baribits.blogspot.com - Blog dedicated to weight loss patients!