WLS Success-through Powerful Positive Attitudes
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I get your point about knowing what I want. The problem with this guy is that I really like him a lot. I could fall very easily.
I think I have always struggled with my self-esteem. I have a lot of accomplishments, but I think I give myself less credit than I should. When I was growing up, nothing was ever good enough. So, even now, I am hounded by a sense of inadequacy. I have all this stuff I can point to, but I wonder. So many times you hear people drawn together by je ne sais quois (that indefinable "I don"t know what"). And I think - I am so practical and pragmatic. Motherly and dependable. There's no will o' the wisp here. I think I am missing that indefinable quality. Too much substance, not enough ethereal whatever..... and that seems to be the thing that draws men to women.
It's beyond my understanding.
The dietician I see puts it this way: LIFE HAPPENS...
sometimes it can be overwhelming and seems to get in the way of our efforts. Sometimes we just may really want something to eat that really isn't the best choice for our plan.
Find a way to have a little- to satisfy. Then leave it alone- & be done with it.
Otherwise, if constantly depriving ourselves- the urge to eat off plan becomes so strong that we become consumed by self-destructive eating patterns and will have difficulty dealing with guilt and feelings of complete failure!
So ENJOY- in moderation!
Have a great Tuesday everyone!

I know we have days when we struggle so I wanted to send a little inspiration your way..

Something from Small Bites, Daily Inspirations by Katie Jay:
Persevere Some days you wake up feeling tired or distracted. You just don’t have the time or energy to follow your WLS regimen at that moment. So, you skip breakfast, or eat that slice of cold pizza that you righteously avoided the night before. Days of discouragement shouldn’t surprise you. They are reminders that food will always be complicated – either a comfort or distraction. The key to real change is perseverance. When you take a misstep, for whatever reason, know that you will continue to persevere in your WLS recovery. You will start over at the next meal – you will overcome the temptation next time. That is how you’ll succeed. Being perfect just isn’t going to happen so persevere. Action for the day: No matter where you are in your recovery, today you will persevere. Start over every time you stray from your plan. Start over as often as necessary.
Remember if we were all perfect what a boring world this would be!! Talk to us when you are struggling and don't beat yourself up. Start over with the mindset that right now, today I am going to make a better choice.
Have a great day..
I am a Bariatric patient/professional, an Obesity Help Support Group Leader and Certified Life Coach. I consider myself to be one of the biggest advocates for obesity in my community. My goal is to educate the public on obesity as a disease and give back to the bariatric community through my personal experiences and life coaching.
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http://baribits.blogspot.com - Blog dedicated to weight loss patients!
I pulled your post up yesterday and was going to respond but literally had so much to tell you that my hands couldn't work fast enough. Coming from a fellow weight loss patient who has visited the ER and had more surgeries than I care to count, I completely empathize with you. It's hard to understand why things happen to us when we follow the rules and we do wonder "why did this happen to me? What did I do?" Know it gets better and sometimes things happen that are out of our control.. :)
Then this morning I was getting ready to do a post for my work blog and came across this out of Small Bites, Daily Inspirations by Katie Jay, thought I would share!
Move forward with optimism: Practice an optimistic outlook – a hopeful and eager view to multiply your chances of success. Optimism puts into play a powerful source on your behalf. Even with life is hard, know that nothing lasts forever. As you have heard before, “This too shall pass." It’s easy to get discouraged when you have had a lot of practice being discouraged. But now it’s time to practice optimism. Action for the day: Pay attention to your thoughts today. When you have a negative thought, immediately replace it with an optimistic thought. Optimism can be learned!
Keep smiling and have a great day...
I am a Bariatric patient/professional, an Obesity Help Support Group Leader and Certified Life Coach. I consider myself to be one of the biggest advocates for obesity in my community. My goal is to educate the public on obesity as a disease and give back to the bariatric community through my personal experiences and life coaching.
**Obesity Help Magazine Promotional offer.. Sign up for a 1-year subscription and receive a reduced rate of $15.95. Use code Baker11 at check out to receive your discount** Enjoy!!
[email protected] - Email
http://baribits.blogspot.com - Blog dedicated to weight loss patients!
So are you SURE you weren't drunk?
But you WERE ACTING right?
Tell me you were just ACTING CRAZY...

No Forgiving necessary. We all need support now and then.
I have to say it sounds like you are absolutly right about him. Many people project on others what they themselves are really doing. I have to tell you, you sound like one hell of a woman. Shoot if I wasn't married I would go out with you....lol. Seriously though you deserve someone *****ally does deserve you and will know what they have once they get you. I don't think it really matters what a man want's, it matters what you want. I do not mean that in a selfish way, I mean it like in order to take care of our loved ones we must care for ourselves first. I hope that makes sense.
I have to ask you, you have said all these positive things about yourself, are you feeling them?
Just when the Catipillar thought the world was over
....She became a Butterfly
300+ /260/ 140 Current BMI 22.4 /No Longer a #, just were my body is Happy
Highest Weight/ at surgery/ current /Goal
Thank You! A year ago if someone asked me if I was going to lose my excess weight. I would have said "no it isn't possible". I thought it was impossible. I have learned a lot the past year and now I know I can do anything I want to now. One of the things that helped me realize that I didn't have to be trapped in a fat body the rest of my life was seeing how so many people on OH have been able to take control of their life.
I saw your before and after pictures in your signature and you have done great, thanks for the inspiration. I've got to believe if you can do it, I can too.
What a great post!
It is DARN hard sometimes to allow yourself to see some light after a tough time-but you did! There is an art to that and I am glad you shared it with us.
The hard part sometimes is to REALLY understand and believe that it IS a choice how we ultimately feel. You could have certainly gone on feeling horrible and many folks would have had a kind word or two for you. Instead-you chose to do the work and focus on the goodness. That caused MORE goodness to come your way. AMAZING how that works!!
Thanks again for the GREAT reminder!