WLS Success-through Powerful Positive Attitudes
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OK, the frozen pudding things have 113 grams of protein in 2 ounces?? Wow.
Love the idea of the graham cracker at the bottom.
My thoughts and prayers are with you..
I am a Bariatric patient/professional, an Obesity Help Support Group Leader and Certified Life Coach. I consider myself to be one of the biggest advocates for obesity in my community. My goal is to educate the public on obesity as a disease and give back to the bariatric community through my personal experiences and life coaching.
**Obesity Help Magazine Promotional offer.. Sign up for a 1-year subscription and receive a reduced rate of $15.95. Use code Baker11 at check out to receive your discount** Enjoy!!
[email protected] - Email
http://baribits.blogspot.com - Blog dedicated to weight loss patients!
REST and WORK on getting better..

Oh please tell me you're somewhere close to this....
I'm crossing my fingers, toes, legs and eyes....any chance?
hugs, Y
Open RNY 3/30/01 260lbs - 130lbs Yvonne McCarthy, CLC. Health & Wellness Coach (full time volunteer). I am happy to help if I can. Visit www.bariatricgirl.com and see the Bariatric Girl blog! Also check out my Facebook Bariatric Girl Page. Photography site www.yvonnemccarthy.com .„ø¤º°¨ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ¨°º¤ø„¸¸„ø¤º°¨„ø¤º°¨ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ¨°º¤ø„¸¸„ø¤º°¨

hugs, Y
Open RNY 3/30/01 260lbs - 130lbs Yvonne McCarthy, CLC. Health & Wellness Coach (full time volunteer). I am happy to help if I can. Visit www.bariatricgirl.com and see the Bariatric Girl blog! Also check out my Facebook Bariatric Girl Page. Photography site www.yvonnemccarthy.com .„ø¤º°¨ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ¨°º¤ø„¸¸„ø¤º°¨„ø¤º°¨ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ¨°º¤ø„¸¸„ø¤º°¨
I fell in love with my recliner (sorry DH) and didn't want to get out of it. It's a good thing I didn't have anything electric or I wouldn't have ever gone back to the bed!
Hey when you make one of those pies I want pictures!! Get some rest sweetie and now I'm going to catch up on the board and make a report about Suzy.
So glad you're back!!!!!!!!!!!
hugs, Y
Open RNY 3/30/01 260lbs - 130lbs Yvonne McCarthy, CLC. Health & Wellness Coach (full time volunteer). I am happy to help if I can. Visit www.bariatricgirl.com and see the Bariatric Girl blog! Also check out my Facebook Bariatric Girl Page. Photography site www.yvonnemccarthy.com .„ø¤º°¨ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ¨°º¤ø„¸¸„ø¤º°¨„ø¤º°¨ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ¨°º¤ø„¸¸„ø¤º°¨
Daily Inspiration for April 18, 2010
Hear what is not said.
Our loved ones want to be supportive, but may hesitate at times to speak their minds. Observe body language and behavior cues to learn what others are thinking. They may have unspoken questions, concerns, or comments. Even coworkers may not want to upset your "fragile" frame of mind by saying or doing anything "wrong."
Your surgery and inconsistent eating habits may cause others to feel as though they are walking on egg shells. You may think everyone has adjusted to your new lifestyle, but they may just be acting that way to please you. Continue to open lines of communication with your spouse, children, and co-workers so that they are clear about boundaries--both theirs and yours.
Action for the day: Spend some time today thinking about how your WLS journey affects those around you. Do you need to communicate better with your family, friends, and co-workers? What needs to be said that you haven't said? What do others need you to understand, even if they can't find the words to tell you?
© 2010, National Association for Weight Loss Surgery. All rights reserved. Daily Inspirations are provided by the National Association for Weight Loss Surgery. Get our free report, How to Regain-Proof Your Weight Loss Surgery at www.nawls.com.
I can eat, drink and take my vitamins easily. Never had any nausea at all. I am actually hungry and trying to invent recipes friendly to WLS. I have 5 pudding flavors that are only 2 ounces and contain benefiber, miralax, splenda, protein powder to equal 113 grams. I put 2 ounces in tiny containers and freeze a total of 6. These are really good. Later I will put a small graham cracker at the bottom and call them pies.
My husband has taken care of every need including showering me, drying me, dressing me and getting all of my food and water. he brings me my vitamins and pills on schedule. He makes me about 3 or 4 mugs of decaf tea every day and knows what I need before I need it. While my stomach was swollen and I couldn't reach he even wiped me. I was so glad I didn't have a BM until after I could reach. I think my husband chose the wrong profession,
I guess I should have asked someone to be my angel so they could have gotten word to you sooner that I had a little set back. I know lots of members from this area.
So I am doing great and am Queen of my domain. I'll be back soon.
Thanks for your concern and best wishes.
Saturday morning started off with walking the Race for the Cure with my mom who is a 2x Breast Cancer survivor, my hubby, son, brother, sister-n-law and niece and nephew! We walked everywhere and I was not exhausted!
Then I came home, mowed the grass and pulled weeds from the flower bed! Sunday I spent the day doing more yard work again feeling great while I did it!
I have to share that I did treat myself to a nap in my swing on the Veranda Saturday early evening, and Sunday I spent some time reading and just relaxing while enjoying my new life!!
Life is good...
Have a great day... :)
I am a Bariatric patient/professional, an Obesity Help Support Group Leader and Certified Life Coach. I consider myself to be one of the biggest advocates for obesity in my community. My goal is to educate the public on obesity as a disease and give back to the bariatric community through my personal experiences and life coaching.
**Obesity Help Magazine Promotional offer.. Sign up for a 1-year subscription and receive a reduced rate of $15.95. Use code Baker11 at check out to receive your discount** Enjoy!!
[email protected] - Email
http://baribits.blogspot.com - Blog dedicated to weight loss patients!