WLS Success-through Powerful Positive Attitudes
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We're all here to support you!
HW: 249 SW: 229 GW: 149 Age: 63 - Body by Sauceda - 12/2011
I love it! Thanks. It is hard letting go but we have to do so for our health.
We are not casual acquaintances...
We have been best friends...
thankfully, at some point in our lives we learn the difference between real friends and friends that only "say" they our friends.
At some point... we must break that friendship.
It can be difficult... but it is the best thing for us.
I started to reconnect with my friend "Chip" this afternoon.
Decided that even though He is irresistible... he really is no good for me. He is for the birds!
So that's where he is...
out under the bird bath... & spread near the bushes for all my little birdies to enjoy!
I should Never open another bag of chips- when no one is around to eat the rest!!!!

Avoid the foods that do you in.
What, if any, foods trigger negative emotions in you? Do you crave certain foods? Are there foods that make you feel deprived? These foods are the ones to avoid as much as possible.
No one is perfect, but the people who succeed at lasting weight loss are the ones who understand how certain foods negatively affect them and eliminate those foods from their diet. Try to be honest with yourself as you examine your feelings during meals.
Action for the day: In your journal, write down how you feel about this day's inspiration. Do any foods come to mind that you need to consider eliminating from your diet?
© 2010, National Association for Weight Loss Surgery. All rights reserved. Daily Inspirations are provided by the National Association for Weight Loss Surgery. Get our free report, How to Regain-Proof Your Weight Loss Surgery at www.nawls.com.
Those early days post-op can be rough but it does get better.. hang in there! Here I am 9 months out and I had a rough day today but it's RARE. Keep your chin up... as your weight goes DOWN!!!!
Start Weight 309
Surgery 301
Current 206
O M G - I am down over 100#.