WLS Success-through Powerful Positive Attitudes
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Listen to your intuition.
How many times have you jumped into a decision without thinking it through? Have you ever made a decision because you wanted to get it over with, even though deep down you knew something was not quite right?
It's hard to quiet down and listen to the inner voice that tells you when you are rushing a decision or ignoring a nagging thought about it. Not all bad outcomes can be avoided, but the ones that could have been--if only you had listened to your inner voice--are particularly painful.
Action for the day: Be clear about your decisions. If you have hesitation or doubt, listen to those feelings today. Most decisions really don't have to be rushed.
© 2010, National Association for Weight Loss Surgery. All rights reserved. Daily Inspirations are provided by the National Association for Weight Loss Surgery. Get our free report, How to Regain-Proof Your Weight Loss Surgery at www.nawls.com.
I'm only two weeks out... but the notebook that my surgeon sent me home with is in the cupboard with my vitamins, protein drinks and meal replacements... and I've often told my husband that it's going to be page weary when I'm done... I'm into that book at least once a day re-reading something, verifying something else or looking for information that I know I read the first or second time I read the entire book.
Thank goodness I have that book!!! It's saved me numerous times when I was doubting something or questioning something.
I had my Lap-RNY surgery (and a repair of a hiatal hernia) on the 12th - two weeks ago today. The day after surgery I was wondering "what in the heck had I done to myself"... but that feeling went away the following day when getting out of bed wasn't so darned painful! LOL
I've been home for a almost a week (my doctor is 2 hours away... so he requests his "long distance" patients to stay in a hotel close by for the first week... just in case). I find that I am doing more and more each day now... I haven't had any pain medication since the On-Q pump was taken out on the day I left the hospital (I spent two nights there). And for the most part I'm doing well... just one achy spot to the left of my belly button... but it gets less and less as the days go by.
One of my new rules is that I'm not going to be so addicted to the computer... hence the "here off and on..." title. I have been known to spend 4 or 5 hours a day sitting here... with my "new" body I'm planning on being MUCH more active... for instance, today I "finally" walked a mile... I've been working up to it all week... but it took me FORTY minutes with quite a few rest breaks!!! I can recall, and will be working towards, walking a mile in 12 minutes when I was thin many years ago. I hope to get there again!

I hope that all is well with everyone... and I'll check in as often as I can to see how "we're" doing.
Happy Spring Everyone!
As a pre-op patient who will be undergoing this life changing event your post was great to read. Thanks for listing the good and the bad. I can't wait until I am posting my success story.
What on earth will I do? I am gong to ask my surgeon next Thusday if I can take pills.
Start Weight 309
Surgery 301
Current 206
O M G - I am down over 100#.

OMG - that liquid stuff is N A S T Y.....But...ahhhhhh what a relief it brings, eh? THANK GOD I have it. I can't imagine going through this first week without it!!! I am surprised it doesn't make me puke, though. lol.
Yeah, my poor kitty. I am having a hard time yesterday and today - thinking about him and reliving in my head finding him that morning. Not fun. Ugh. Sigh. Thanks for you kind words.
Start Weight 309
Surgery 301
Current 206
O M G - I am down over 100#.

Start Weight 309
Surgery 301
Current 206
O M G - I am down over 100#.

Wow, that's a shame about the pump. I really didn't think it was doing anything til I pulled it out and then I knew it HAD been doing it's job. Mine wasn't full anymore on day 4.
Start Weight 309
Surgery 301
Current 206
O M G - I am down over 100#.

That ON-Q really did work! I only know because after I took it out I felt some discomfort that I had not been feeling beforehand. It was annoying to have to wear the pouch around my neck - and I kept it for 4 days ( I think by the next day it woulda been emptied)
I hope it will work for you !!!!!
Start Weight 309
Surgery 301
Current 206
O M G - I am down over 100#.