WLS Success-through Powerful Positive Attitudes
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Thank you all for the encouragement! I'm back... and I'm alive!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's all that counts!
My surgeon is very pleased with my progress. I'm still not feeling good... in A LOT of pain, and the periods that I have to sit up, I feel very drowsy. I'll update more on my profile in a couple of days when I feel stonger.
Thanks again for all the good wishes!
Commit to action.
You've probably heard the phrase "Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today." Yes, it's a cliché, but it rings exceptionally true for WLS patients.
It's frighteningly easy to put your health on the back burner. Maybe you get so busy during the day that you think nothing of skipping meals or forgetting to drink your water. Of course, one day won't matter in the long run, but by putting things off until "tomorrow" you're really telling yourself that you're not worth the time and effort it would take to care for your health. Because the funny thing about waiting for tomorrow is&we put the tasks off until tomorrow, again.
Action for the day: If you've been letting other things get in the way of your WLS lifestyle, take action TODAY to get back on track. Sign up for an exercise class, create a supplement regimen, or start keeping a journal of what you eat.
© 2010, National Association for Weight Loss Surgery. All rights reserved. Daily Inspirations are provided by the National Association for Weight Loss Surgery.

Okay... It is Monday... and I have my stuff together. WooHoo!!! Last week was a doozie.
This is my plan to help with my weight gain:
1. I have been buying my food each day when I get hungry. Starting this week... I am going to BRING my lunch and PLAN my dinner. Eating junk is NO LONGER an option for me. If I buy my food in advance, I will be able to buy healthier food. When I wait until I am hungry... I will get junk.
2. I am cleaning this week... so I will be getting my excersice that way. I am making a workout PLAN/BACK UP PLAN and sticking to it. Today and tomorrow, I will be doing some deep home cleaning... Starting Wed, I am back to the gym. Exercise will help me both physically and mentally.
NO MORE EXCUSES... Failure is no longer an option. I will also start posting my SUCCESS on the accountability post on TMB.
Thanks everyone for your support. Last week was a bad week, but this one is going to be better.
-Kim T
I am a Bariatric patient/professional, an Obesity Help Support Group Leader and Certified Life Coach. I consider myself to be one of the biggest advocates for obesity in my community. My goal is to educate the public on obesity as a disease and give back to the bariatric community through my personal experiences and life coaching.
**Obesity Help Magazine Promotional offer.. Sign up for a 1-year subscription and receive a reduced rate of $15.95. Use code Baker11 at check out to receive your discount** Enjoy!!
[email protected] - Email
http://baribits.blogspot.com - Blog dedicated to weight loss patients!
Many of my fellow WLS friends use Unjury.. Here is the website.
Hope this helps..
I am a Bariatric patient/professional, an Obesity Help Support Group Leader and Certified Life Coach. I consider myself to be one of the biggest advocates for obesity in my community. My goal is to educate the public on obesity as a disease and give back to the bariatric community through my personal experiences and life coaching.
**Obesity Help Magazine Promotional offer.. Sign up for a 1-year subscription and receive a reduced rate of $15.95. Use code Baker11 at check out to receive your discount** Enjoy!!
[email protected] - Email
http://baribits.blogspot.com - Blog dedicated to weight loss patients!