Thank You FFP Members for being with me On my Journeyposted 2/11/10 8:00 pm
This is how the story goes: 2005 I was 410 pounds and spent 8 days in UVA 3 of those days in a coma my family being told I was going to die from carbon dioxide poisoning from sleep apnea and my organs were all shutting down due to this as well as lungs and heart being crushed from my fat. the power of prayer worked as I came out of the coma all along I had been fighting for Gastric Bypass for 4 years unable to get due to having NO INSURANCE, and in the state of VA your not deemed disabled unless your 65 or damn near death well I was. I was released mid August and soon after received Medicaid seen Dr Schirmer in September again and to my surprise he got all my tests and things moving very quickly due to my serious situation (because at my release I was told Melinda if you don't loose the weight you will be dead in 6 months) So you know the stress and pressure myself and family had on us so soon after loosing my father in June and a very close friend in February. I was scared to death. During this period let me say I was on oxygen 24/7 in a wheel chair couldn't drive barley left my home because I couldn't breath I was lucky to get from one room to the other in my home. I was truly a prisoner in my own home. The only outside contact I had was this computer and OH. The reason I'm posting this long story is for all the NEWBIES as well as those of you out there who are still struggling with your weight no matter the issues, there are so MANY positives from this TOOL!!!! Any way back to the story. I seen Dr Schirmer again on Sept. 27Th and as he was going through his date book he says to me I had a cancellation for Monday mind ya that's 3 days away, I was like HELL yeah it came out before I knew what I said he just laughed. They started they paper work sent me on my way to the good ole bowel prep blood work, registration, and I headed to the groc store. And off to my last meal. My surgery an new birthday happened on Halloween 2005 410 I now 2010 194 pounds. In between I have had a panni, breast revision and arms done and now healing from my tummy tuck and they gave me my belly button back I could go on an on. But I will also say, I have had several test EXCLUDING after I ask for numerous times a endoscopy for a hernia that they said I didn't have! Though my plastic surgeon suspect maybe. And sure enough after I borrowed money for the surgery once she got in she found one behind (hidden) my breast bone the same place that I had been complaining about entwined in fatty tissue an bowel which I was gonna cancel this surgery and had I done so and it would have erupted could have caused death. SO please listen to your body's and MAKE your Dr's do these tests... There is hope so keep the fight going and dont give up on yourselves. I still have more to go and I will be the first to tell you I NEVER thought Id ever go under 200 well Im sitting here telling you I am and hope to weigh this afternoon because the 6 pounds they removed were from last week, so curious to see what the scale might say today at my follow-up appointment. Theres going to be a party in Charlottesville.....
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