Weigh to Go! Weight Loss Support Group
100 Pound Celebration
At our support group, one member talked about having a hundred pound celebration. What a great idea! She said the persons who came to her party had to bring 100 of anything to mark the occasion. She said one person brought 100 pencils, another 100 marbles (joking that since she lost some of hers, this might help her 'reclaim' a few more!) She had 100 erasers, etc. Everyone agreed that those of us who have lost 100 or any weight of that magnitude should celebrate our loss because it is a significant accomplishment. Too many times, we hear it was 'the easy way out' and other critiques of that type, but this type of celebration reminds us of what an accomplishment and milestone in our lives it really is. Maybe Hallmark will start making 100 Pound Celebration Cards??